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One Chechen drugomu:
-With whom we will be at war? With whom we were not at war yet? With Kitayem.
- And you thought where to bury them?


One FSB-shnogo of the chief ask - why till this time of any Chechen commander did not wet? It is
otvechayet - and they do not use a toilet, to a wind go.


Bodies of FSB arrested the Chechen field commander Rulon Oboyev and his helpers Blasting Foundations and Disorder of Jews.


The Ingush (And) comes to jeweler shop in the Suburb, and asks the Ossetian seller (O):
(And) - Zdrastvuyte, you have a bread?
(O) - No, we gold, diamonds... topguyem.
(And) - So, you will not sell some bread to me?
(O) - HET.
(And) - So, I from here without bread will leave?
(O) - Leaves tak.
ingush as will strike to it on morde.
ha the next day the seller costs with a shiner. The Ingush comes and everything povtopyaetsya.
ha the third day again comes Ingush:
(And) - Zdpastvuyte.
ppodavets convulsively starts spreading hleb.
(About) - Please - white, black, long loafs, rolls - with poppy, with jam...
(And) - Well, thanks, I already in a drugstore got bread, I to you behind mayonnaise came.


The Chechen bent the Chechen saber, comes to the master. That speaks, now we will make a pier, puts it between two chairs,
saditsya on it and vypryamlyaet.
tot speaks:
-VAKH, for what money I pay? so after all and I can!
kladet a saber between chairs, sits down on it and that lomayetsya.
a the master EMU:
VAKH, the master's bum - too the master!!!


The elderly member of spetsnaz thinks to grandsons zagadki.
-Children, who the fastest animal on light?
-A who?
- The Chechen on 600th "Mercedes". And who the most dangerous animal on light? We do not know
- The Chechen with the grenade launcher. And how the city of Grozny now is called?
-Chechnya, perhaps?
-No, it is called the city Harmless.


The Chechen gold rybku
dostal caught a knife and gathers it raspotroshit
rybka - do not kill me I will execute yours zhelaniye
chechenets - I! I want! You! To kill!!! My such desire!


Germans of the Chechen caught and put in a concentration camp. He well somehow filled up all protection, changed clothes in
nemetskuyu a military uniform and escaped from there. Went outside, looks...... others country, knows nobody, language not of
znayet, chyo to do to it? Then remembered that in a concentration camp where he was supported there were many Chechens and conscience of his
gryzt began because he did not try to release them. Thought: "eh not to do anything any more" and
V restaurant decided to come. Comes into restaurant, and there all people in a military uniform sit, it thought "be that will be" and solved


Chechens and Americans at whom long-livers starshe.
priyekhali Chechens in the USA and after long searches, in gerontological clinic on a wheelchair chair, under three
kapelnitsami argued, Americans to Chechnya found the long-liver age 103 goda.
priyekhali, went to mountains, suddenly see - the old man of advanced years runs. Stopped it and
sprashivayut, and how many to you the grandfather of years?
-to me 95 let.
amerikantsy breathed sigh of relief and ask and where it you so run?
-From the father I run!
ofigev they sprashivayut:
- And why?
-insulted the Grandfather!!


Put in one firm of the robot that employed, such here automated interview. the person of
zakhodit, greets go questions.
zakhodit Pervyy:
-Zdravstvuyte further. You smoke?
-Do svidaniya
zakhodit Vtoroy:
-Zdravstvuyte. You smoke?
-Vy drink?
-Do svidaniya.
zakhodit Chechenets:
-Do svidaniya.


Why the Russian politicians started talking to such hunting about negotiations with Chechnya?
-Well, as! An excellent occasion to sit down at a table!


The president of America calls the president of Russia Putin and speaks:
-Pochemu you do not sit down to a negotiating table with chechentsami
na that Putin otvechayet:
-A with whom, tell on favor, to exchange words, when Maskhadov - the separatist, Basayev - the terrorist, Yandarbiyev -
vakhkhabist, and Zakayev in general - the actor.

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