Jokes about love

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Jokes about love

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Hard business love. And not female.


- And you that by phone sent me yesterday? I wanted to wish kind morning you …
-First, there were 6th mornings. Secondly, I did not send, and politely took an interest that it is necessary for you in such early hour. And, thirdly, the word "moron" esca


- And loves B, the B loves In What to do And?
- to Find another B!


- And the truth, what separation strengthens love?
-Of course. After departure of the husband, I fell in love with Robert even more strong!


- And my parents are afraid to look "Good night"...!!
-Oni as will include to me, lay down under a blanket and shiver, shiver, shiver....


- And my neighbor constantly calls the wife a swallow, is tender tak.
-That, it at him such small?
-Well, it at it flies constantly.


- I fucking love Japanese women more!
- So they are small?
- And I love them in bulk.


The Englishman has the wife and the mistress. Loves zhenu.
fpantsuz has the wife and the mistress. Loves lyubovnitsu.
evpey has the wife and the mistress. Loves mamu.
russky has the wife and the mistress. Loves vypit.
ukrainets has the wife and the mistress. Simply likes to have.


Anton found the wife with the lover in a bed. He is enough the gun and wants to shoot ego.
Wife in uzhase:
-Stop! From where how you think at us there was a new car, my jewelry, our new beautiful house?!
-It all of you? - Anton asks the man in the bed zheny.
- Then we will correct a blanket, be covered more warmly that did not catch a cold!


- The barin, I laid a bed - go to oppress!


The pregnant woman comes to the astrologer that that made a horoscope it to the future rebenku.
-Under what sign the child was conceived? - asks astrolog.
-It seems. "It is FORBIDDEN to SMOKE"!


The businessman - psikhiatru:
- The Doctor, remember - last summer you advised: to distract from work it is necessary to have a good time with girls? Yes. So advise
-as to me now to distract from girls and to return to work!


- How will be in German "I love you"?
- their liba dikh.
- And in English?
- Ouch lavas yu!
- And in a Krasnodar way as will be?
- And well quickly in the car!


- What will be if at the same time to accept viagra and a Dimedrol?
-"Love Similar to a Dream".


The young woman of years of thirty comes into SEX SHOP and very constrainingly approaches a counter with vibratorami.
-Forgive, it is possible for me that white, that black, and in a corner of krasnenkiya...
-White - please, black - too, but, madam, the fire extinguisher we cannot sell you...


In avtobuse:
- the Woman, take away elbows from mine plechy!
is not elbows, - grudi.
- Then leave it.


In library: Tell
-, you have interesting books about love?
-Here, please, "Love poses".
-of Hm... And something more decent?
-Is. Here "Intelligent love poses".


In marriage kontore:
-you whom prefer, Ms., the brunette or the blonde?
-would be desirable for me red. Know, I have a furniture of red color.


On a visit the old friend came. Sit at a table. The owner periodically addresses to the zhene:
-Darling, bring, please, still chayu.
-to Zolottsa, be so kind, give sakhar.
- The Sun, your pie is matchless, it is possible still?
POKA the wife follows a pie, the friend voskhishchayetsya:
-I envy you: you so much time are married, and still it so love, the sun, zolotets call!
-Yes that you! Simply I years five as forgot her name!


In the state muddy the gentleman sits, smokes a cigar, reads evening tays. The wife's lover enters, greeted and rises upward, in a bedroom. Through a nekotor vermya comes back. Also speaks hozyainu:
-That that your wife today especially holodna.
dzhentelmen without coming off from gazety:
- They and during lifetime did not differ in temperament.


In the village it was got that on Saturday women wash, and in revival - men. However few years ago the bathhouse attendant Varfolomey absolutely grew decrepit and bathing day made one. The general. Women then for a long time reflected, and then quickly agreed. And men quickly agreed, and then for a long time reflected …


The group of fascists came to the village, built all men in a rank, took off them trousers and govoryat:
-If the woman blindfold finds the husband on the member, it remains zhit.
pervaya idet.
-It is not mine, do not wash it, wash it!
vtoraya also the nashla.
tut the German officer thinks that here something not fine and orders for check to one soldier too to rise in sherengu.
tretya idet:
-do not wash It, do not wash it, and it at all not from our village...


In convent: - Carrot was brought … really, silly women, rejoice, it grated!!!


On the eve of March 8 the woman who is used up from run zaskakivat in the elevator. In hands of a string-bag, bag, under mice sausage, long loafs … Suddenly behind it the languid handsome, in a hat, in a black coat comes into the elevator, testing looks at it. The elevator is closed, the man plows up a coat. Naked! The woman in a hysterics: "A-a-a … forgot to buy eggs!".


In the room three couples make love.
myzhskoy voice: Want
-a joke?
zhensky voice:
-Only not trite.


In shop elektrotovarov:
-you have an extender?
-Extender of that?


- In Moscow than whom it is more: men or women?
- And why to you? - You Understand
, me 20 years, and it would be desirable to be defined somehow!


Generally, situation classical. The wife in beds with the tired lover, unexpectedly rushes the husband. The wife shouts lyubovniku:
- The Road! Prove to it that you are the real man!
-AS? And to IT TOO?


Generally, situation classical. The wife in beds with the tired lover, unexpectedly rushes the husband. The wife shouts lyubovniku:
- The Road! Prove to it that you are the real man!
-AS? And to IT TOO?


Beds the wife to the lover after conversation on telefonu:
-were Rung by the husband. Told that will be late because plays with you billiards...


Beds the wife to the lover after conversation on telefonu:
-were Rung by the husband. Told that will be late because plays with you billiards...


In maternity hospital to the expecting young father the nurse brings two mladentsev.
-you does not frighten, what you have twins? - asks ona.
-Is not present that you! - perplexed answers tot.
-Well and it is fine! You take these, and I run behind the others.


Braunov lived twelve years in a family the aged relative who the presence created the mass of inconveniences. At last he died. On the road from a cemetery Brown speaks to the zhene:
-Darling if not my love to you, I could not suffer so long yours dyadyushku.
-mine?! And I kept thinking that it yours...


In a case only that lover, which itself as a case does not hide.


Whether you believe in love on ICQ from the first greetings?


- You believe, what the love can be eternal?
-Of course. Only partners change.


Invites very self-assured girl to dance the young man. Having measured by eye that the gentleman is slightly younger than it, it zayavlyaet:
-I cannot dance with rebenkom.
-Forgive, I did not know that you are pregnant.


Evening in the village. On a zavalinka the couple sits. He smokes a papiroska. She gnaws sunflower seeds. Full silence. Passes hour. It:
-Well, I type will go?
ON: - Sidi
prokhodit an hour more. It:
-Well, I type will go?
ON: - Sidi.
prokhodit an hour more. She silently gets up and leaves. It (extinguishing a papiroska):
-of Hm... Did not give.


Evening. Twilight. The lover embraces devushku.
- The Darling! I so love you!
-Ah that you do!!! Do not climb!!! I now will cry!
-But then us will be able to hear yours roditeli.
-My God! I somehow did not think of it.

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