Jokes about women

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Jokes about women

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The wife speaks by phone then puts trubku.
husband (reading the newspaper):
-It who was?
-Yes mother. It in my opinion already half sumasshedshaya.
-A-a-a... Means it became better.


-Hochetsya something light, warm...
husband with pokhmelya:
-Pivo you will be?


The wife asks muzha:
-Darling, you do not love me any more. Earlier all evenings you gently held mine ruki
v the and you spoke to me about love, and now it not delayesh.
-But expensive, I do not see in it need any more - since we sold a piano.


- Your wife Frenchwoman?
-Is not present, it I taught it.


Female drama: did not manage to look back - and ceased to look back.


Female logic. The girl goes by the bus. It is necessary to transfer to the ticket. Nearby there is other girl. How to address to it - on first-name terms or on formal terms? Argues logically: This bus - the express. If the girl did not descend at the previous stop, so it goes to my residential district. Goes with a wine bottle, so to the man. The bottle expensive, so goes to the handsome man. In our residential district two handsome men: my husband and my lover. To my lover it cannot go as I to him go. Means, it goes to my husband. My husband has two mistresses - Wriggling also Katya. Katya now in komandirovke.
-Yulya, report to the ticket!
devushka (dizzily): From where you me know


The female humour is so thin that sometimes is not noticeable.


Female nablyudeniye.
zhizn it is full of adversities and sufferings. Grief and hatred. Disappointments and treachery... Then, at last, you find
A that hairdresser who is necessary to you.


The woman in apteke:
-you have a cheap and effective remedy for weight loss?
-Is. Plastyr.
- And where to glue it?
-On a mouth!


The woman returned from examination with redressed rukoy.
-Well handed over on the rights? - asks it husband .
-I do not know, the instructor in hospital...


The woman always wants to be purer than the man even if they were soiled about same.


The woman is ready on everything for the sake of love, even to make love. Muzhchina
gotov on everything for the sake of occupation by love, even to love.


- Why the woman even if it is ready to tell "yes", all the same at first will tell "no"?
-Probably because if it will at once tell "yes" to speak then, actually, already and there is nothing.


The woman complains the podruge:
-my husband such swine!
-I asked for it $200 for cosmetic operation, and it looked at me and gave 500!


The woman lies in a bed with the lover. The call to a door is suddenly distributed, it understands that the husband and in a despair rush vosklitsayet:
-My God came, make so that he noticed nothing!
razverzayutsya heavens and the Lord speaks:
-is good, I so will make, but you will die from vody.
ona speaks:
prokhodit year, two years. The woman does not bathe, washes only under a shower, tries to avoid whenever possible in any ways water. Passes 3 years, she unexpectedly wins the permit in sea cruise. It Posomevalas-posomevatsya, and decided to go. It floats on the smart liner, suddenly the storm begins at night, everything in a panic the ship sinks. It again in a despair rush vosklitsayet:
-My God, well you cannot sink because of me one all ship!
razverzayutsya heavens and Lord speaks:
-Yes I you. yady, on this ship collected three years!


- Why the woman loves ears, and the man eyes? Because to the woman to watch
- There is nothing, and the man has nothing to listen.


The woman on the fan: - A long breast - Magnificent feet - White eyes - Brown teeth


- What can a woman to powder without a mirror?
- brain.


The woman - the girlfriend: - Money is not present, and there - sticks! - And who such? - Well so... it... husband!


The woman - the complete antithesis to a dog. The dog understands everything, but can tell nothing.


The woman invited to herself to a dinner the man. When it devastated all bottles and plates, it to it saida:
-you mine Now!
Ha that it ovetil:


The woman on reception at seksopatologa:
-Why my husband does not satisfy me? Because you tr*khatsya by
-in different rooms!


The woman comes to gadalke:
-Remember, I was at you five years ago? You still foretold me the rich husband and children.
-I Remember five... I want to learn
-Ya - and the husband from me when is?!


The woman comes to the female sexopathologist and complains that muzh
sovsem does not turn to her vnimaniya.
doktor asks to come separately muzha.
-you, the doctor as the woman, have to understand me, - rasskazyvayet
husband -Understand, I go outside in the morning, I meet the mail carrier. "Nu
chto, she speaks, to give newspapers to you, or how?" Of course ", or as",
govoryu I. Then I get into the trolleybus and I go to work. Kontroler
proveryaet tickets. "You will show the ticket, or how?",
asks it. Of course "or as", I answer. Then I come na
rabotu. The secretary asks: "To you urgently to print what ya
yesterday did not make or how?" Of course ", or as", I speak. And so - put
tsely, with the bartender, militsionershy, the shop assistant and even with moyey
nachalnitsey... In the evening when I come home, any more not to the wife!
-Well, - are answered by the woman doctor - the Case difficult. Well, budem
lechit - or how?.


The woman is a bullet with the displaced center tyazhesti:
popadayet in heart, beats on pockets and backfires.


The woman standing and the woman lying - two different women.


Female this being who creates to the man the mass of efforts and inconveniences in an award for those small joy which it sometimes to him gives.


- When the woman loses 90% of the intelligence?
- When at it dies husband .
- And when it loses the remained 10%?
- When after the husband at it dies a pet.


Women like men, at kotorykh:
-hair Well lie,
-Well fits a suit,
-Well costs of what you thought at once.


Women speak: It is better to give rise to once, than all life to have a shave!
muzhchiny answer: Better all life to have a shave, than to be afraid to give rise to all life!


- Why women wear heels, are painted, and smothered??
-Because they, small, terrible and smelly!!!


Women love when them compare with koshkami.
vot will call her a kitty and it at once represents herself the proud, graceful, independent predator...
stranno, and why hysteric woman, not primitive, hairy, real on corners?


Women love ears until they are clogged with the noodles hung by men. Then women bethink, call themselves veriest fools and shake noodles. Then history repeats itself.


- Why woman there is a lot of time and means give to appearance, but not development of intelligence?
-Because blind men much less, than silly.


Women in Russia are anxious with two problems - that to eat and how to grow thin.


Women - such touching sushchestva.
tak would touch and touched.


Women spend money intelligently! As a result - neither money, nor mind...


Women life flowers, them either in water, or to the earth!


Wives share on three kategorii:
1. Krasivye
2. Vernye
3. Beautiful and true, but inflatable. Paradoxes of fashion.

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