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Jokes about Ukrainians

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- To Kuma, I chuv your Xing at moskaliv pratsyu є (works).
-So, so! Pratsyu є in a kremator і ї - to scorch moskal_v, and yy for tse shche y grosh_ give!


The new Ukrainian bought himself six-hundredth "Zaporozhets"...


Lie Galya with Mykoloyu on a mow. Galya speaks:
-Mykola, thrust in exchange palets.
mykola zasunul.
- And now look for odyn.
mykola zasunul.
- And now all ruku.
mykola zasunul.
- And now and drugu.
mykola zasunul.
- And now clap. Bachish, a yak it is a tugenka!!!


The Ukrainian and the Russian fly in the plane. Here the plane is wrecked, the Ukrainian manages to grab a piece of fat, and the Russian a bag of money. Two of them fall on the desert island. Through some
time the Russian wanted to guzzle already nevterpezh. It approaches to hokhlu:
-Hear, the Ukrainian, give with you we will play a market: I will be a buyer, and you prodavtsom.
-Give. The Russian approaches the Ukrainian, looks on salo:
-How much fat?
- The Bag deneg.
- And che is so expensive?
-A you walk on a market, you will cheaper find the International Federation of Journalists.


Clothing store in Odessa. The woman with malchikom:
-comes I Want to buy the son a suit. Tell, it from what your suits? Madam's
-, is the best fabric. It, madam, real English cloth. To demolition net.
- And it does not sit down? Madam's
-, sho you such speaks? You know, what such English cloth? The boy such will carry
VASh to starosti.
-Well, pokupayu.
malchik puts on a new suit, they with mother go outside. In five minutes it starts to rain, the suit instantly shrinks. Sleeves become to elbows. Trousers knee-deep. Mummy,
tashcha by the son's hand, in anger flies back in shop. Towards to them hozyain:
- The Boy as you grew up!!!


- Kievan Rus' was Mamo, and sho?
-Was, to the sonny, was...
-So sho, all of us are Russians?
-That not, Russians all Ukrainians.


- Maryyka, you are a dyvchina?
-... Dy-yvchina.
- And shtozh you ne bubble?
-A you to a vzha vper?
-... O-oh, to a ma-am!


- Mikola, and having heard a yak Russians call our borsch?
-of Pe-e-ervoye …
-of Au-oh, povbyvav...


- Mikola, and having heard a yak Russians pyvo call ours?
-of Pi and-Iwo …
-of Oo, povbyvav …


- Mikola, and having heard a yak Russians call our pokhydna?
-Derivative … (in sense - a function derivative)


The Ministry of Education of Ukraine considers that the special attention should be paid to development of artificial intelligence in children and teenagers.


Look younger the boy prokida?tsya to wounds (early in the morning) p_slya the terrible I will rehash і by a zhal_bny voice prosit:
-Mamo, give gor_lka! That is mute
-, a sinka...
-A in a kutochka?
-That to Velikden zh vipit...
-A for a dverim?
-That p_slya Velikodnya pokhmelyalisya...
-A at shaf і?
-That that batkov_ on sorokovin!
-of Otozh I marvel, booze the father pod_lis.


The Russian and the Ukrainian sporyat:
-What at you Ukrainians, ridiculous words. For example: PEREMOGA, EDALNYa.
- And at you, moskaliv, even more ridiculously. For example: "COMPARE"
-A of that of the ridiculous here?
-Yes chi srav, chi.


The Russian comes to the Western Ukraine to business trip.
one day, having got lost in the city, it asks the passerby:
"Show to a mine be caress de an ostanivka here?".
-of Zupynk round the corner, and you to a moskalyk vzhe priyekhyv!!!


The man sells on a market of the speaking parrot. The aunt with distant hutora:
- The Axis of a yak of a garn a birdie, yaks plumelets, a sock, lapotulk approaches …
TUT a parrot speaks:
-Went, the silly woman!
-Oh, a zvinyayta the uncle, I thought you a bird.


The man gathered for rest to Odessa. All acquaintances speak to it: "Do that you want, DO NOT go at NIGHT TO DERIBASOVSKAYA only AT ALL!!!". The man arrived, has a rest, but once
zamayalsya, got lost and late at night came to the deserted street. The full moon, a wind drives scraps of newspapers on sidewalks and hoots in wires. On a corner house an ominous inscription:
"Deribasovskaya". On hours, 23.55. "Well, blya, got!" - the man solves, but the way to hotel lies directly through this hell. It gathered and with small steps meets destiny. Here hears
preprotivnykh a scratch and in several meters before it the gate on a wheelchair is left by the gray-haired old man. A wind the ominous smile develops his long hair, on a face. "I will be given to live
NE!!!" - the man thinks and with running start in a jump a foot beats the old man on an ugly face! "Ha-a-a!!!". The old man grabs two hands the face injured vdryz and shouts: "Spoke to me not to go
nochyyu to Deribasovskaya!!!".


- We take interview from the first counter inhabitant of Kiev for kanadskogo
- Zdpavstvuyte.
- Some words about a situation in Ukraine, you are listened by all Kanada.
- Help!!


- Mykola! And poshto to a toba in party not of a prinyala?
-That say that at a wedding at the father Makhno byv, speak - on an accordion played... So you tell
-, what nebyv.
-That a yak I will tell them, Kada they Tam Tangqiewala?...


- Mykola, you shcho the domashnyu stranytsyu on the ru domain zasuvav?
-A sho?
-So that "Russia"!
-From, reptiles! And I dumav, Ridna Ukraine!


- Mykolo!
-of Hectare! You know
-of Chi, the yak tsi klyat Russians to znut our borsch?
-of Peeeervoye!
-of Povbyvav!


- Mykolo!
-of Hectare! You know
-of Chi, the yak tsi klyat Russians to znut our sour cream?
-Ooh, povbyvav!


- Mykolo! Lova to a sokyr!
-You are not G;, and show piymav chi!


On Ukraine:
- The Wife, finish every week a hut to paint - there will be no place to live soon!


(It is necessary to show, and that is not ridiculous)
IDET examination in the Ukrainian mova. There arrived the solid commission. To the pupil gave a task to call months in Ukrainian. It slowly vspominayet.
-Lyuten. sichen. traven …
A "gruden" forgot. The teacher shows it on grud.
uchitelnitsa reddens and hands lowers on zhivot.
uchitelnitsa is confused even more and hands hides between kolen.
uchitelnitsa absolutely with shame of a hand behind the back spryatala.


Beginning usual: Ukrainian, fishing, goldfish, three desires...
-Mmmmm... I want that mongolo-Tatar took Sweden!
-? Please... Now I want
-that Swedes drove away basurman! Desire
-... Last yours zhelaniye.
-I Want that infidels again took Sweden!
-? You that, starcha? Same last desire!
-Well so sho... But to Russians notably kitchen gardens were trampled!


The Black sto§t posered vulits_ і p' є (drinks) milk. To P_dkhodit the uncle, dovgo to marvel і kazhe:
-N_ a sinka, not a dopomozha!


Novini on Lv_vskoma telebachenn_:
-І a naostanok of a garn of a novin: at Moskv_ tomorrow m_nus 2, mokriya sn_g...


New Year will not be!!! - Bloody Ukrainian air defense brought down Santa Claus.


New Year's carnival. Vedushchiy:
-First place was won by a mask of "sucker" - the 3rd row the 8th mesto.
iz zala:
-Oh... and yazh ne igrav!


News: In response to opening of Hollywood restaurant in Kiev in Hollywood "Idalnya of Dovzhenko" opened.
A before its entrance to asphalt are immured fifteen salads with prints of persons of our movie stars.


At night in hate:
-of Ishsho!
-Yes you sho?
-A sho?!


One Ukrainian speaks drugomu:
-You look, Perepechko, a yak is ridiculous familiya.
-Gu - at-usev!


One neighbor asks drugogo:
-Mykol, and sho you during a holiday buv yesterday? You an axis the yak of a tantsovala, tantsovali.
-Yes that not a holiday, ours Dida a beehive turned.


Suburb of the Ukrainian town. In a forest plantation two godfathers sit. Have a rest with vodka and snack. Saltso, onions...
NAD a near field flies an agriculturial aeroplane. There, here... Opyleniye.
vo turn time the agriculturial aeroplane starts reeling all over, loses height and with a crash crashes into "khrushchyovka", extreme to a field, brings down two balconies and a heap falls in a front garden.
ODIN from the kumovy looks at another without changing expression litsa:
vtoroy also spokoyno:
-of Sho well? A yak the power - taky y act of terrorism...


The old Ukrainian caught a gold small fish. The small fish also speaks to it,
chelovecheckim golocom
-Release menya, didu, I to you three desires icpolnyu.
-to Dobra, am bony chudovishcha.
-Kakoe your first desire?
-Shchob Finns to China z viynoy pishli.
-A second?
-Shchob China then z viynoy on Finns pishov.
-A third? shchob Finns znova to China pishli.
-Listen to
-A, the grandfather, why you all it is necessary to a?
-So a mustache through Russians yta quarrystone!


There arrived the American group of tourists in Ukrainian depevnyu.
sppashivayut the first passer through the translator: "Who from you the wisest? "
-Vin, there sydyt the old man and kupit.
podkhodyat to nemu.
-That you most of all love on light? - ask ego.
-About tse, men, kuryty I love. Here kuryl to yourself and kupyl.
- And still that you love?
-A still, men, ybatysya I love. Here it would ibatsya to itself and it ibatsya, only nayti
by to itself such pizda, what to get into it and that only lips were napuzhu.
- And lips that?
-O tse, men, kuryty I love.


The next Ukrainian samoletik falls, two pilots sit, with grief look v
illyuminator and silently beseduyut:
-I understand He and why seamen so rejoice to approach of the earth...


- Daddy, and why to Ukraine Black Sea fleet?
-That was on what to leave on the middle of the sea and to be drowned when there is nothing to guzzle!
-A nuclear missiles?
-Well not to die them alone!
-I when it will occur?
-Never! What fool w


The fellow drives to the telke-Ukrainian in the neighbor zarubezhye:
- The Girl, you acted in at film?
-B of cinema - no, and at hotel is every evening.

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