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Jokes about Harry Potter

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Hokku (Japanese tercet):
Bcex filled up snegg.
na perfectly one Malfoy handed over ekzamen


Bury Snape. Conversation before Grobom:
sirius:-Tfu-tfu-tfu! That not ozhil:
dambldor-Ty then and on on a tree still POSTUCHI:
sneyp (with irritation):-Kto there?


It is good to be animagy - will call a dog, and you grin only enough...


- It is good to have a lodge in the village! - Harry Potter told pulling out the Curl from a cow flat cake...


Well greased handrail will help your companions not to be late from other faculty for a lesson. And correctly hammered nail - not to slip by the necessary floor.


The whole year Slytherin's pupil Vincent Krebb showed to professors a middle finger. Draco Malfoy appeared the sponsor of display.


Fourth part. Mr. Ollivander checks sticks uchastnikov.
-So... the oak... the ashen... saksaulovy... the crab... The CRAB?!
makgonagall grabs ears of Dobbi:
-How many times for you to speak, not to offer bribes to Ollivander!


Zhou and Harry in a bed have a rest ONA:
-Know, to me it is so good! I want that so was vsegda.
-Yes, and I tozhe.
-seem to me, we should reflect on somehow to connect our relations stronger bonds... Harry vostorgenno:
-Yes, darling?! Zhou, the ambassador pauzy:
-Give with you we will be photographed!!!


Whatever modern children's writers wrote - at them all the same Garri
potter turns out.


There was somehow time Harry Potter on the Forbidden wood and saw the centaur who fell in a hole. Harry could not get a centaur, but a hole dug that other centaurs did not get to it.


There was on the wood Hagrid. Suddenly to it towards - a huge boar. Well, Hagrid did not become puzzled also women in him from both trunks. In total around in a smoke, a horse-radish it is not visible, and Hagrid costs and thinks: "I got or did not get?" The smoke dissipates... he sees - there is a boar: "Well, the man, you got!"


Wide bed. Harry wakes up, pushes the Sigarette lying a number of Germionu:
-will not report?
potom pushes Rona:
-lying on the other hand the Lighter throw!
GDE in feet leans out Draco, all of them together prikurivayut.
zatyanuvshis and having let out a smoke, Draco speaks:
-Eh, the father would know that I smoke - would kill!


Examination on zelyevareniyu.
sneyp, was tired: That, Mr. Potter. Eventually, it is possible not the nobility Alkhimii and to be good chelovekom.
garri, it is gloomy: And vice versa...


Examination in studying of magl. Professor checks works of pupils. Guard! Someone gained 20 points! In Hogvarts the most real broke through magl! Ah, excuse, Ms. Granger, it you …


The guide at visit by tourists of a cave speaks:
-This cave arose thanks to one Scot of
-Seamus Finnigan who complained to the relatives that incidentally dropped in a fox hole a galleon.


Epitaph lovtsa:
lechu I - a wind in hair,
I on glazakh.
ya see happiness tears snitch, but here, alas, me the bladzher demolished the half-heads …


I do not intend to spoil the relations neither with heavens, nor with a hell, - I have friends both in that, and in other district. - Severus Sneyp


- I with you speak two hours, and all of you time yawn!
garri Potter:
-Ya did not yawn. I tried to squeeze the word


Godzilla - a Japanese legend of the first visit of Chuck Norris to Tokyo.


- And if to cook Chuck Norris's eggs, he will become even more abruptly? - Its eggs do not cook.


Chuck Norris's beard so sharp that to it he slices paper therefore anybody never hits him into the head.


In the childhood Chuck Norris dreamed to become Chuck Norris.


In honor of Chuck Norris in all McDonald's in Texas give the biggest sandwiches. Simply order "Big Chak".


The Great Wall was constructed for protection against Chuck Norris, but the invention shamefully failed.


Camels have a hump because Chuck Norris needs a place to store its weapon.


Instead of what to be born as the ordinary child, Chuck Norris decided to open the way from mother's womb a fist.


The military unit Chuck Norris is not present at game "A civilization 4 ? because one unit "Chuck Norris" will destroy all nations together for one course.


Contrary to the standard opinion, in America not democracy, and Chaktatura.


Time and tide wait for no man. Unless Chuck Norris.


Chuck Norris's diploma is so abrupt that does not demand protection.


The only thing which can threaten Chuck Norris, is Chuck Norris.


The only thing which Chuck Norris is afraid is Chuck Norris.


The only thing capable to cut Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris.


If you see Chuck Norris, he sees you. If you do not see Chuck Norris, perhaps, you needed to live only some seconds.


If in Mongolia to say a name of Chuck Norris, people will start hitting you into his honor feet from a turn. After that you will be overtaken by the REAL kick from a turn performed by Chuck.


If you ask Chuck Norris: "what time is it now", he will always answer: "two more seconds". After you ask "two seconds to what?", he will kick you from a turn in a face.


If Chuck Norris married Ksenia Sobchak and took her surname - there would be Chuck Sobchak...


If Chuck Norris has sex with the man, it does not mean that he is a gay. It simply means that women temporarily came to an end.


It is a little more, and Putin will become more abruptly than Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris does not trust in it.

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