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Jokes about brunettes

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The brunette, the editor of the fashionable magazine spending holidays in the village complained to the farmer of a bull who very furiously examined ee.
-Has to be, it because of your red jacket, - told fermer.
-My God! - the girl exclaimed. - Of course, it from an old collection, but and could not come to my mind that it will be noticed by a rural bull!


The brunette in the market buys one apple, one peach and one banana. The seller asks:
-You, probably, live alone?
bryunetka koketlivo:
-Yes, and how you guessed?
-is sick you awful!


The brunette in a supermarket punches in cash desk: one carton of milk, one tube of toothpaste and one toothbrush. The cashier, the young guy, looking at it, speaks:
-You, probably, live alone?
devushka koketlivo:
- And how you guessed?
- The painfully terrible.


The brunette, the brown-haired woman and the blonde went drunk of night club and broke by car. Stand in a queue before Saint Pyotr's office. The first the brunette comes. On a table the huge volume lies. Saint Peter speaks:


- In this book all your sins are written down. You see, what it thick? It because you sinned much. I will pass you to paradise, but at first you have to bear blow this book on the head. If you do not sustain, you will go to a hell. Such at us pravila.


In this book all your sins are written down. You see, what it thick? It because you sinned much. I will pass you to paradise, but at first you have to bear blow this book on the head. If you do not sustain, you will go to a hell. Such at us pravila.
bryunetka holds up the head. Saint Peter takes the book, razmakhivayetsya.
zhutky blow. The brunette falls, hardly rises, being unsteady leaves an office.


In a peep-show conducted sociological survey. It showed that Russians bring - blondes, Ukrainians - the brunette, and Poles - Ivan Susanin


- Vas, you know, my wife almost blondinka.
-As honor it? Happens or the blonde or net.
-Well, generally she at me the brunette, but the silly woman …


Choosing the woman, do not go in cycles, the brunette or blondinka.
vse equally to choose between: it is necessary to you or what difference...


- They say that brunettes are much more temperamental blondinok.
-Nonsense! My wife was the blonde and the brunette and I did not notice any difference!


Burns dom.
bryunetka, red and the blonde got out on kryshu.
pozharnye developed and hold below bed curtains. Shout bryunetke:
bryunetka jumps, and firefighters clean bed curtains at this time. The brunette rasshibatsya in a flat cake. Shout ryzhey:
-Jump! plachet:
-Yes you clean
ryzhaya polog.
pozharnye in otvet:
-We simply do not love brunettes. And red lyubim.
ryzhaya jumps. Firefighters again clean bed curtains. Red it rasshibatsya in a flat cake. Shout blondinke:
ONA to them in otvet:
-Well is not present, me will not carry out. Put bed curtains on the earth and depart!


Two brunettes apropos blondinki:
-Shameless person, though oh plot hat.


Two brunettes saw on the street blonde:
-Here the shameless person, would put on though a hat, perhaps!


- The girl, and what you do one, and why you such sad? zhdu.
- And let's wait for
-Ya vmeste.
-As hotite.
-Sorry, the girl, and what we after all wait? Monthly we wait for


– The girl your photo is possible?
What for?
-a I bring together Pokemons...


Gentlemen prefer blondes, but marry brunettes.


- Why gentlemen prefer blondes?
-Because in the word "brunette" is the word "No"!


The doctor - blondinke:
-Not dyshite.
- And you that, broke wind?


- The daughter, I saw you at a car wheel yesterday, and near you the Daddy, this man - my instructor sat nice gray-haired muzhchina.
-. But he was a brunette before got into the car...


The brown-haired woman comes. Even more terrible blow is audible, it creeps out on all fours, on the head the huge cone, the face is streamed down by blood.


Truth mirror - If
"a truth Mirror" - if, something you tell a lie the mirror soaks up you in itself.
podkhodit to it the brunette and speaks:
-Ya the most-prisamaya beautiful!!!
NU, mirror vsasalo.
podkhodit ryzhenkaya:
-A I the most cultural!!!
podkhodit to a blondinka:
-Nuu. I think.


There is a brunette, she all road is followed by the man. the woman turns to it and asks:
-why you follow me all road?
-here when you faced me, I asked myself the same question!


There is a brunette on the market and sees - the old woman sells stones from yablok.
bryunetka (with a smile):
-Well as, somebody buys your stones?
starushka (seriously):
-Of course, after all stones from apples increase intelligence!
bryunetka (in perplexity):
-It as? Here you buy
-A and learn, 300 rubles for ten.


There are a blonde and the brunette on Afrike.
vdrug of bushes directly on them jumps out lev.
bryunetka the handful of sand is enough and throws it into eyes to a lion, then quickly gets on a tree and shouts from it blondinke:
-Give quickly to me on a tree while the lion does not see!
-Ya to a lion did not throw sand into eyes.


There are two men (1 and 2) before them devushka.
1: Look at what legs!
2: What hair!
1: And what teeth!
TUT the girl turns and sprashivaet:
" And from where you know what teeth at me? "
1: Well know such back with bad teeth you do not otjt.


There are two men down the street. Ahead two women - one brunette, other blonde. One man speaks:
-Blonde my wife, brunette my mistress. Such woman in a bed!
drugoy man speaks:
-Brunette my wife, blonde my mistress. Such woman in a bed!
postoyali, looked at each other, kept silent... Horom:
-Not, well after all can when want!


Go the father with the little son, the cool blonde goes ahead. The father speaks to the son look what blonde goes. There is no father this is the brunette, from below it is visible to me better.


As Henry Ford spoke, the blonde can have any hair color if only it was black


How repainting from the blonde in the brunette is called?
iskusstvenny brain.


How to make, what at the blonde eyes would be lit?
posvetit to it a small lamp in an ear.


When the blonde thinks - she turns into the brunette


- Who composes jokes about blondes? Brunette's
-. In the lonely winter evenings.


Private life too happens striped - that the blonde, the brunette.


The lord asks slugu:
-Tell, James, what horses you prefer?
-You see the sir when I go on black, I for some reason want to jump on gray and when on gray, I think about voronoy.
- And what women you prefer, James? Blondes or brunettes?
-You see sir...
-is not necessary, James, I understood.


- Maash, went in the evening to a cafe, to tea we will drink? Give
-... And we will go "to drink to tea" or "to tea to drink"?
-A in what a difference?!
-In the second case of a foot should shave...


- Excites me when the woman whispers something to me on an ear, slightly concerning gubami.
- And very much excites me when the blonde gets hands for the head and lets hair down, sticking out grud.
-Only the blonde? And if brunette?
-Is not present,


– What it is possible to tell about the Brunette between Two blondes?


The young man wants to find the wife via the computer. It ho-couples that it was the brunette, small growth, it is modest odeva-las, was sociable and well floated. the computer gave out reko-a mendation: ''You suit a penguin female."


On a question of the one whom you love - blondes or brunettes more, the real man has to otvechat:

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