Jokes about hunting and fishing

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Jokes about hunting

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Two addicts, with guns, cartridges, kosyachka went shooting somehow. Came to a place, were smoked... Shot long, cartridges did not come to an end yet. The forester came running, shouts?
-Here hunting is forbidden!
-We did not hunt, we defended!
-From whom?
-From sparrows! Such, you know, aggressive, green... with beaks...


Three hunting hunters went, two with themselves had vodka, and at the third was not. Well he also speaks to men: "You tie with a scarf to me eyes, give any game, and I guess who it, age and than is killed. If I guess, you to me pour a glass of vodka..." Give it a hare. He felt i
speaks: "The hare, age of 5 years, is killed with a knife". Poured a glass. Give a fox. He felt and speaks: "The fox brown, age of 10 years, is killed with a rifle". Poured a glass. Give the Boar. He felt and speaks: "The boar wild, age of 15 years, is killed from the gun!". So proceeded all hunting... In the morning their wives meet. The first speaks: "Present to Babonki, the husband left on hunting with vodka, came without vodka and sober". The second speaks: "At me too most". The third speaks: "You represent, mine left without vodka, came drunk v
zhopu, all night long felt me between feet and muttered: "The hedgehog, 42 years, is killed with an axe in a back"...


Sherlock Holmes and doctor Watson on okhotu.
vecherom went put tent, legli
spat. At night Holmes awakes Watson and sppashivayet:
-As you think, what these bright stars at us over the head mean?
-Well, probably, will be tomorrow good pogoda.
-you an oak, Watson, it means that at us snatched tent!


The ensign builds a platoon and asks:
-For whom is available at himself a knife, a step forward!
ODIN of soldiers takes a step forward. Prapor:
- The Good fellow, you receive 10-day otpusk.
i that soldier went in otpusk.
dnya on the same day through three prapor again addresses to vzvodu:
-For whom is available at itself a knife, a step forward!
VES a platoon takes a step forward. Prapor:
-Good fellows, will go to peel potatoes.


- You to present do not mokht, how my dog umnaya.
kogda I throw into the small river five coins on twenty kopeks, it nyryaet
v water until all money not naydet.
-Will think! You would look at my bulldog! When ya
brosayu to the river ruble, it dive


- You represent, yesterday, going on hunting, I forgot to take with myself the gun? It is unpleasant to
-. And when you remembered it?
-Unfortunately, only when brought to the wife of a hare.


Petka resorts to Chapayev and krichit:
-Vasily Ivanovich! I just banged a hare bumerangom.
- And where you found a boomerang?
-U you under a bed... If you still will take
-my socks of Petk, I will break tvoy


- Hi, old times, from Africa! - the hunter speaks to the friend, - Ya
tolko that returned from there. Well and hot there, as in a scorching heat!
prishlos for days on end to sit in basseyne.
-Well, it that! - the friend - And I pobyval
v to Antar


- I invite you to Egypt to a spark safari!
-As is interesting! We will hunt on sharks?
-Is not present, it is simple to float at the coast.


There comes a Chukchi to Alla Pugacheva and speaks:
-Pugacheva, give pozhenimsya.
-you Will get to me crocodile boots - pozhenimsya.
poyekhal the Chukchi to Africa on a safari. Pugacheva waits for one, two years, na
trety did not sustain, went to Africa. Looks - sits chukcha
na to the coast of Nile and catches crocodiles, and behind it the big mountain of crocodiles. Thrust a hand into water, speaks:
-Oh, the devil, again without boots got.


There arrived the grandson to the grandfather to the village. The grandfather speaks to it next day? Take
-granddaughters a doggie, ruzhyishko, descend in the wood, do some shooting a little...
VNUK leaves, in an hour resorts, is rumpled? The Grandfather, and you one more dog have no


There arrived the grandson to the grandfather to the village. The whole day loafs about, at the grandfather under an ear nudit.
ded to it speaks:
-Well you granddaughters all miss, take a doggie, ruzhyishko, descend in the wood, do some shooting a little...
VNUK leaves, in an hour resorts, excited, eyes with pleasure goryat:
-Ded, and you have no one more doggie?!


There arrived the Ukrainian deputy on hunting for a bear. The jeep - a hamer, a camouflage, the super fancy machine gun with a riflescope of a night image...
zakhodit in the wood, towards the little man in bast shoes, in a cap with ear-flaps, in a padded jacket - typical rural muzhik.
muzhik: - Oh, the person where you head is lovely?
deputat: - On a bear!
muzhik: - Yes thankless this job... A bear - the OWNER! My grandfather from the rogatiny went to it, the father from the rogatiny went...
deputat: - Yes you look! - though an elephant bring down the machine gun... Optics, bullets with the steel core...
I leaves in les.
muzhik:-Yes, (it is tightened by makhorka) now in general you should not go to the wood... The bear not only still will have now two rogatina, and and the machine gun...


The hare comes to hunting shop and asks:
- The Fraction is?
-Is not present!
-Gunpowder is?
-Too is not present!
-Oh, I live! - the hare was delighted - On the wood gulyayu.
v the following times zashel:
- The Fraction is? No!
-A gunpowder?
-Gunpowder is!
-Oh, it is necessary to run, - the hare - And that these men pri
porokhe was frightened and nails will shoot.


The husband home from hunting, tired and angry comes?
-Wife! You know, what artful animal a fox?
-Is not present. And why you so think? I on the wood go
-Yes here, suddenly I see - the fox runs. I charge the gun, I aim, I shoot - the fox falls. Give, I think, I will go, I will take away a fox, I approach her, lo and behold - and it is a dog!


The man comes to weapon shop:-Give me a bomb with the hour mechanism - Take, but keep in mind, it has a small period of storage! - How many? - 10, 9, 8, 7...


The man from hunting comes, throws a linking of hedgehogs on a table and speaks zhene:
-Here, hedgehogs shot. To you on a collar! To the mother-in-law on insoles!


The man comes to fishing with the son and speaks:
-Well, the sonny, get porridge we will be fish lovit.
-Fathers, and I it sjel.
-Well anything. There we had a bread. Get, myakishev nakatayem.
-Fathers, and I too sjel.
-Well eat up it worms, and went home.


The hunter home from hunting comes and sees the wife with the district doctor in a bed? That do you do
-A here?!
-Temperature meryaem.
husband gets the gun and zaryazhayet:
-Well if on your thermometer there are no figures, you have only yourself to blame!


The hunter home with okhoty.
-That it from you such smell comes? Yes you understand
-, went to a bear, and the Jolly-boat left at home. Let, I think,
doma will run about. I look - a den. Took dryn, let's shurovat there. Kogda
slyshu, someone to me behind a paw on shoulders put. I turn. Well I see, chto
tuzik, but I cannot cease to crap!


The hunter comes to hunting shop and asks:
-you have Sunar gunpowder?
-Somewhere was, - looks for and sentences, - somewhere was... Whether
okhotnik vyderzhal:
-Is impossible quicker?


New Russian comes to tourist bureau. As it is necessary, rolled fingers, made a boring ugly face, everything put... Well, the manager right there runs up to it: - That will desire? - I was going to have a rest. There is a wish for something abrupt - Perhaps, wish to the Bahamas? - It. It already was. I want something special. Itself you understand, the brother, it is necessary to distract from problems, from work - Yes, I understand. Well... want to the Alps? - Yes it. Too was! - I know, what it is necessary for you - the SAFARI - And it as? - On the jeep will drive, will do some shooting.-It as at work, perhaps?!


The Georgian came to a market of a hunting falcon pokupat.
prodali to it instead of a falcon kukushku.
odel the Georgian a felt cloak, sat down on a horse, went to hunting, a falcon (cuckoo) is proud on a hand vezet.
uvidel pack of ducks, waved a hand, "Face, an ata, heya-heya" krichit.
vzletela the cuckoo, sat down on a tree - "Ku-Ku, Ku-Ku"!
-to Kak, Kak?!!! A zhirna be enough!!!


The husband from hunting came and brought wretched utku.
- And where feathers? - asked it Wife.
-Yes you said when saw off me on hunting: "Neither down nor feather!" Here it such and dostalas.
-it is good, - the wife speaks, - I will speak now: "Neither ruble to you, nor kopeks".


The guy to the father came somehow - Teach the former hunter who lost nogi.
-, the father, on a bear okhotitsya.
-Well I do not know as to teach, here to show nado.
-Went then vmeste.
soglasilsya the father, got into a backpack, his son on shoulders and poshli.
otets speaks:
-you See a den, take a rogatina and begin shurudit.
vzyal a rogatina, started shurudit, there is a bear, the guy gets the gun, shoots, the misfire, quickly recharges, again a misfire. Throws the gun, throws off a backpack and svalivayet.
ele is on the lam, runs home, speaks:
-Everything, mothers, pi@dets, lifted up a bear of ours batyu.
mat otvechayet:
-you, the sonny, h@y will understand - the father zaskakivat that, the son speaks
medved lifted up, now here you that it lifted up.


Came as that Rzhev to a ball, and ask it to tell any case, na
chto it soglashayetsya.
-Got I as that to Africa on hunting for a lion. I go on the jungle, to machete ruble liany
i suddenly I come to a glade, and on it in two meters from me sits hungry lev.
gospoda, I was trashed. Well, all rushed speaks:
-Well you, the lieutenant to see so close to a lion. With whom supposedly not byvayet.
-Well, misters, I was just trashed.


The woman came to work with a black eye, employees K
-Who it you? With
- The Husband, - You answer postradavshaya.
-to Foo. And we thought that it at you on okhote.
-I too so thought.


The friend speaks drugomu:
-visited the friend veterinarian Yesterday, and we together otobedali.
- And what you ate?
-Apparently, one of his patients.


Making the way through thickets to a favourite place on the river, friends filosofstvuyut:
-That such happiness of the real fisherman?
-It when you will fall down incidentally without rod to the river, and you will come up with fish in rukakh.
- And misfortune?
-It when are come up by one fish...


Having stayed few weeks in England, the American was very surprised sudden padeniyem
svoyey popularity. In the beginning he was invited, held a reception, vsyacheski
razvlekali. And here suddenly phone became silent, the mailbox became empty, not stalo
priglasheny. Without understanding in what business, it came to the priyatelyu:
-Tell honestly, what happened? I am literally subjected ostrakizmu.
-Matter in that, the old man that when hunting for foxes at us in England it is accepted krichat
"Atu!". And you when we hunted last week, shouted: "Catch it, sukina


The hunter in a den failed. Looks - sits medvezhonok
na a pot. It it asks:
-Father of the house?
-Mother of the house?
-So what the hell you seated here?
medvezhonok began to cry and zakrichal:
- The Grandmother!


- Sell, the friend, small fishes! - the hunter who went with empty yagdtashem.
-addressed to the fisher missing on beregu
reki I will not sell, but to replace with a game mogu.
Wife speaks to the husband hunter, to the big fan piva:
-do not feel


It is simple a disgrace!Your hunting dog howled pod
moim a window all night long!Be afflicted nothing With
-it will sleep in the afternoon.


- Simply I do not know that to do to me with my dog. She constantly hunts for mototsiklami.
-Well, it is not terrible. All dogs so delayut.
-Yes, but washing buries them in a garden!


The man wakes up - the head hurts. It in a lock-up, a door opens: leave to the investigator. Well tell
-how bylo.
- The friend Invited me to hunting for a boar... numbers, speaks, exposed, come, take a carbine, everything will be. Arrived, lay we wait... there are no boars...
-Yes, cut... waited still nemnogo
-Again saw?
-Yes, cut both again waited, and then it seems still cut, here the friend and speaks,
poshli on other number, there precisely is. well went.
doshli, I look at once - a boar! I am BAH - is ready! there at once the second, third, I put all! Suddenly some crowd, hunters perhaps from number of that. The gun was taken away, in a distance muzzle, everything, further I remember nothing.... here regained consciousness, the head hurts.
-is fine, and we will write down: on pig farm I appeared in a condition of strong alcoholic intoxication.


Professors invited to hunting, and that appeared blizorukim.
opasayas troubles, organizers of hunting distributed to all uchastnikam
transparanty with an inscription: "I am not an elk". However professor slightly не
пристрелил one of okhotnikov.
-Well as so, professor, - started uttering tactfully emu
okhotoved-After all you saw that it has in hands a plate "I am not an elk". Excuse
-generous, - told science stars, protiraya
-Points here misted over and it seemed to me that on tablichke
napisano: "I am an elk! "
DVA of the hunter came across traces Ussuriisk tigra.
-Idi, look where it went, - tells one drugomu
- And you? - asks drugoy.
- And I will go to the opposite side, I will look, from where it left.


The passerby, watching the fisherman, saw how that caught three fishes, from which two, what were more, threw out back to the river, and small put in sadok.
-Strange, - he addressed to the fisherman, - why you big fishes threw out, and small left?
-Because is not present a big frying pan at my place.


The passerby asks the man near whom sits huge dog.
-your dog bites? My
-? - No!
prokhozhy moved was farther, but at this time a dog of his ka-a-a-ak
kvatit for a foot! The poor creature vozmutilsya:
-you told that your dog does not bite!
-A who told you, what it is my dog?


Canine hunting for vegetarians - they were poisoned with hot dogs.

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