Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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The Soviet planes bombed Berlin. Bombed ruthlessly, but it is careful: each pilot understood - there Stierlitz.


The Soviet soldiers in the 1945th caught in Berlin Shtirlitsa.
-Aha, got, an esesovsky muzzle!
- Yes you that, I am colonel Isaev!
- to be silent, the bitch German!
-Ya Russian scout. A machine gun butt on yaytsam.
-Bl and you che okhuyet
- Sorry, did not recognize, companion colonel.


Stalin asks Zhukov: - And in what rank of Stierlitz at us? - Shturmbanfyurer, companion Stalin. - We think, it should be raised. - Well, companion Stalin, we will make a gruppenfyurer.


Strange... It seems both the camouflage, and a raincoat camouflage, and even a muzzle is smeared with soot, and all the same all notice me... Stierlitz thought, walking on streets of Berlin.


The plate on an entrance door of Shtirlitsa:
"the Entrance for Holtoff - only with the bottle!"


Now, with a release of the color version of the movie "17 moments of spring", Stierlitz could find the house even more simply... On a red flag on a roof.


Only having broken the fourteenth bottle about Holtoff's head, all this time sipping schnapps and nothing noticing Stierlitz understood that Holtoff under a cap at M?ller.


Thirty nine irons stood on a window sill. "The appearance is failed", - Stierlitz understood. Three irons are not enough.


Touch, - Stierlitz told the driver. The driver touched and Stierlitz went.


At the house Stierlitz saw homeless sobaku.
-Durashk, - called her Shtirlits.
-you are a durashka. I from the center, - answered a dog.


Stierlitz had one carefully kept dark appearance, but Borman found it and smoked.


At Stierlitz the car broke. It left and Stierlitz began to dig in motore.
", you are the Russian scout," - M?ller passing by told. - "The German would give the car to car service".


Having seen the officers shooting alternately, Stierlitz rasstroilsja.
wed Peremeshka was his agent.


Having learned that Stierlitz was close to a failure, the Failure tied Gestapo.


Having heard ominous hissing, Stierlitz let out all holder on a sound and thought: "The poor pastor, he did not learn to whistle".


In the morning, as always, Stierlitz bent the. The, as always, did not bend! "Better you would not bend" in the evening, - Stierlitz thought, submitting the rebellious...


The teacher meets children who get up and call the familii.
-It still that such? Leave a class! Tomorrow you will come with the father! The teacher explains with
nazavtra all to the father who otvechayet:
-Understand, of Sam hesitates - Borman his surname.


The teacher at the beginning of academic year meets pupils. asks
odnogo from nikh:
- And what is your surname, the boy?
-You that, laugh over me? That tomorrow brought parents!
Ha comes the next day the boy's father. Teacher negoduyet:
-That this such? I ask your son as his surname, and he answers: "Stierlitz" .
otets, skonfuzhenno:
-Hesitates it. Bormana we.


On February 23 Stierlitz put on the old, favourite budenovka, vzyal
v hands a red banner and, singing revolutionary songs, went k
reykhskantselyarii. In it day it was very close to a failure.


Heil Hitler! - Stierlitz told, entering an office to Myulleru.
"Stierlitz, - M?ller with irritation answered, - if you do not throw eti
kinchevskiye a manner, I will write to "The Soviet culture"."


What it you so turned pink, Stierlitz? M?ller asked. "In the resort had a rest? "
" Aga, in the resort, stsuko, on the alpine skiing!" Stierlitz thought. "With Pleyshner in the Alps rode..."


Walking on the avenue, Stierlitz saw huge luzhu.
"And, on a horse-radish!", - he thought and safely shagshnut. The pool appeared completely.


Switzerland, Bern. Stierlitz and the pastor Shlag sit in restorane.
pastor, having noticed that Stierlitz eats with hands, does the remark: "Gos-
podin Shtirlits, sausage should be taken a fork" .
golos off-screen: "Stierlitz, of course, knew that sausage nado
brat a fork, but he so wanted though a moment to stay samim


Schellenberg calls Stierlitz and asks:
-Stierlitz how you think, to May prazd-
nik war will be stretched? Till May holidays it will be stretched, even do
dnya Victories.


Schellenberg gave to Stierlitz nawodku.
"A little, but in currency", - Stierlitz thought hiding in a reykhsmarka pocket.


Schellenberg knew: Stierlitz - the agent of the Soviet investigation, but it hesitated with arrest as it grieved it to lose such executive and sensible employee.


Schellenberg talked to M?ller. Stierlitz approached and stopped ryadom.
"That it he costs here?" - Shellenberg.
"And after all with irritation thought long ago," - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz had dinner in the officer dining room. Suddenly one drunk officer cried: "I would hang all these Russians on roadside columns!" Vce significantly looked at Stierlitz...


Stierlitz tells Rolf about What Myullepe:
-it bald? It at it such wide hair parting.


Stierlitz, Borman and Hitler plays in ppef.
-of Sho? Again?


Stierlitz, having returned from holiday, All time complains to the Gestapo man of Rolfu:
-poured a rain …
-I nevertheless you perfectly sunbathed, Stierlitz!
- It not suntan, is a rust, Rolf …


Stierlitz jumped in the car and shouted to M?ller: "Drive! "
chepez in salon began to smell some seconds fresh ;) moonshine.


Stierlitz fed the German children furtively. From ukradki children swelled idokhl.


Stierlitz dug in papers in M?ller's office. Suddenly M?ller ran in snatched out at Stierlitz some paper and vybezhal.
"Uf, carried by," - Shtiplits.
"You so would think carried by!" - M?ller thought.


Stierlitz approached Aleksandrplatts and not to attract vnimaniya, crossed ee on-plastunski.


Stierlitz came to restaurant to have dinner. Brought it the order. Chepez
neskolko minutes he calls up kelnera and shouts on nego:
-Kelner if it is a beefsteak, I am an idiot!
- Is a beefsteak, mister Stierlitz, - the waiter answered and, having a little thought, added: - It is the real beefsteak!


Stierlitz thought. It was pleasant to it and he decided to think still time.


Stierlitz was above the map of the world - it uncontrollably tore home.


Stierlitz went on Krasnaya Square and saw hundred irons. "Irons", -
podumal Stierlitz. "Weak zakos under a bundes," - irons thought.

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