Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Stierlitz very much loved a cold weapon. It was irreplaceable means for applying to the head, after wild nazi popek.


Stierlitz loved a cold weapon. It was irreplaceable means for applying to the head after a booze.


Stierlitz liked to listen to chamber music. But music did not get into a chamber.


Stierlitz during an instant jumped out in a window. "MIG" roared and disappeared in clouds.


- Stierlitz, whether I can rely on you, - asked KET.
-Eshchyo as! - Stierlitz exclaimed, throwing back a blanket.


- Stierlitz, in my opinion we should come into this podjezd.
-By no means, M?ller. Us can pobit.
-Nonsenses here. At you persuasive ideya.
oni entered an entrance and in a minute on were strongly izbitye.
-As you managed to expect it, Stierlitz? G


Stierlitz, in my opinion we should come into this podjezd.
-By no means, M?ller. Us can pobit.
-Nonsenses here. You have an obsession. They entered an entrance and in a minute on were strongly izbitye.
-As you managed to expect it, Stierlitz?
- is simple I yesterday here already came.


Stierlitz and M?ller walked across Berlin and saw zhenshchin.
"we Will remove?" - offered Shtirlits.
"What for? - M?ller answered. - Let hang".


- Stierlitz, and that it at you...
-M?ller, one more joke about coloring and you will have the real shiner under an eye!


Stierlitz and M?ller shot in turn. The turn considerably thinned.


Stierlitz, M?ller, Schellenberg and Holtoff played cards. In that vecher
shtirlits it was lost. But Stierlitz was able to do a good mine at bad igre.
posle how Stierlitz left the company, the mine worked...


Stierlitz with M?ller go on ulitse.
m: - To us in this pereulok.
sh: - He it is necessary to go there, us pobyyut.
m there: - Stierlitz, at you predrassudki.
poshli. Come back - a live place net.
m: - Stierlitz, you have the gift of anticipation!
Sh: - Yes I there was yesterday …


Stierlitz with M?ller liked to play for hours and hours in billiards. Hours from it often broke


Stierlitz with M?ller leave from restorana.
-Listen late at night, M?ller, let's remove girls?
-heart, Soft at you, Stierlitz. Let till the morning will hang for a while.


Stierlitz with M?ller send on the wood and saw two zhenshchin.
we "Will remove", - offered Shtirlits
"Yes, well them, let hang" - M?ller answered.


Stierlitz put on a hat aslant. Aslant left home without hat.


Stierlitz gave to drink a dog gasoline. The dog passed ten meters and upala.
"Gasoline came to an end" - Stierlitz guessed.


Stierlitz naslyunyavit a pencil and removed on bumage:
-Hi, Oksana!
"Is not present, - the scout, - not so thought". It right there crumpled a piece of paper and sjel.
-Hi, Yulya!
"Again not that", - Stierlitz thought, eating the second bumazhku.
-Hi, Ira!
"the Devil, absolutely struck memory - as it called? - Stierlitz ate also this piece of paper - Well, at least, now I am full". You know
-, - Stierlitz coherent told, - we will not risk. Peredayte
moyey to the wife all in words. Tell supposedly I love it, I wait-nedozhdus
vstrechi with it, well, and so on...


Stierlitz insisted on the - it turned out bitter and is smelly, but it was possible to drink.


Stierlitz did not appear week at work. The Gestapo men sent to searches found him at dacha who got drunk to loss of consciousness and lying on a floor among bottles from under vodka. Nearby the encryption rolled: "The task is performed successfully, it is possible to relax."


Stierlitz, at some o'clock, for the first time in life fell into a stupor, having seen in the completed questionnaire a question: "the resident - the nonresident"... Yes do not endure
- You so, Stierlitz! - M?ller calmed him. - It for


Stierlitz liked to snore at night. But did not like to Snore Stierlitz.


Stierlitz poured over a cat gasoline and set fire. A cat probezhala
desyat meters and upala.
"Gasoline came to an end," - Stierlitz guessed.


- Stierlitz how you explain what we found fingerprints on Cat Vasha's bum?
-M?ller and as you explain how you found them?


Stierlitz explained to the color-blind person Pleyshner color of "a danger pot" in a window of the second floor on Tsvetochnaya Street...


Stierlitz regained self-control and soon with calm fell asleep.


Stierlitz looked back on the parties and furtively pokovyryal in a nose. Ukradka burst and broke.


Stierlitz, having a rest in sanatorium of KGB, met in M?ller's dining room. "How, partaygenossa, and you too?" - the Soviet scout with astonishment exclaimed. "Well, Stierlitz, - M?ller grinned - me here according to the permit from Wehrmacht directed".


Stierlitz opened a door. The light was turned on. Stierlitz closed a door - light went out. Again opened - light vklyuchilsya.
- The Refrigerator thought Stierlitz.


Stierlitz opened a door and Holtoffa in a bullet-proof vest and kacke.
Ha saw an amazed look of Stierlitz Holtoff otvetil:
-"Here, decided to drink at you cognac."


Stierlitz opened the safe and pulled out M?ller's note. M?ller loudly shouted and resisted.


Stierlitz went on a reykhskantselyariya with a rasstegnuty fly of which red pants leaned out. And nobody guessed that so he notes The First of May.


- Stierlitz, what do you think of women?
-Ya I do not treat them, - the Soviet scout modestly answered.


Stierlitz sent the report to the center in clear. In five minutes to it rushed esesovtsy.
-Since April first, - Stierlitz explained. SS-men knowingly began to smile. At this time in the Center laughed loudly to exhaustion.


Stierlitz lagged behind life. Life at last sighed freely.


Stierlitz regained consciousness in the room with a barred window. The head hooted, it was necessary to gather with myslyami.
-So... That was yesterday - I do not remember. Probably - beat on the head. Means if enter in the Soviet form - it is necessary to ask at once to Stalin. If in the Gestapo - at once to Borman and to declare that all remembered...
dver opened and the minister kultury.
-Yes entered … You touched yesterday, companion Tikhonov …


Stierlitz regained consciousness early in the morning under a fence someone's zagorodny villy.
ego felt sick, the female bra was clamped in the left hand, the note scrap stuck out of the right -: "I allow to relax. Center"


Stierlitz regained consciousness in a prison cell. He did not remember, what is the date today, and as it got here. The scout started thinking: "Where I? If I at Russians, then I am a colonel Isaev … And if I at fascists, I am a standartenfuehrer Stierlitz". Comes into a chamber militsioner:
-Well and you got drunk yesterday, companion Tikhonov!


Stierlitz fell from a tree, but by miracle was hooked for cyk.
K to a weekend the miracle strongly swelled.

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