Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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On November 7 Stierlitz shaved, dressed a soldier's blouse and with a red flag bypassed round the Reichstag. Vce with surprise, a someone and with suspicion looked at it, but nobody guessed that on the homeland of the colonel Isaev a revolutionary holiday.


Came to a meeting with Bormanom Stierlitz in a budenovka, singing the song about Moskve.
"you though observed conspiracy", - grumbled Borman.
shtirlits agreed and put on dark glasses.


On night Stierlitz Street stopped patrul.
-Allow documents, mister officer - told bald kapral.
-Yes you went nakh@y, - Stierlitz blo has no time, for it waited on attendance kvartire.
kapral opened a Russian-German phrasebook. "And, it is Stierlitz" - he said after the leaving Soviet scout.


For Easter paint eggs, and for May 9 of Stierlitz...


On a glade near a fire Eunuchs sat lyudi.
-, - Stierlitz thought.


At meeting in the IV department of RSHA circulated a note from hand to hand: "Stierlitz - mudak". All laughed, after all except it nobody knew that so the Center congratulates him on assignment of a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.


All highest ranks of a Reich gathered on meeting at Borman. Suddenly Stierlitz comes and starts photographing quietly confidential dokumenty.
-Who is it? - asks Borman.
- The Soviet scout Stierlitz, - Myuller.
-answers Why will not arrest?!
-A what for? All the same will get out!


On a wall of a secret address Stierlitz saw an inscription": The appearance is failed by" .
"the Appearance is failed", - Stierlitz guessed. - "Yesterday here it was written simply: "Appearance".


On a table there was a binge on five and snack for three. Today Stierlitz had supper alone.


On Schellenberg's table the most interesting document lay. Its sense was to Schellenberg not absolutely ponyaty and therefore the head of SD re-read it already for the fifth time: "I order to give to Stierlitz the rank of a gruppenfyurer of CC. Supreme Commander of J.Stallin"


For the morning after a booze and a grandiose fight, there is Stierlitz on koridoru.
navstrechu to it M?ller comes across, sees Stierlitz and Stierlitz changes in litse:
-! You have under an eye a lamp!
- Was lit, - Stierlitz thought.


On Tsvetochnaya Street in Bern to Stierlitz two drunk men in kosovorotkas, sateen trousers and kersey boots who used foul language in Russian met and asked for it zakurit.
-Means, the appearance is not failed yet, - Stierlitz thought and pretended that understood nothing.


Stierlitz was attacked by five SS-men. Two held to it hands, two - feet, one - the head. Stierlitz by miracle beat off. The miracle hurt three days and prevented to go.


- Likely hung! - Stierlitz thought, for the 100-th time without results pressing the button kompyyutera.
-Likely Stierlitz! - BIOS, but just in case thought, peeped.


Over Stierlitz's head all evening bullets whistled. So happened always when Siegfried Pul living a floor above invited to himself relatives.


Over an encryption "Eustace - You a goat. Alex" week all fourth management laughed, but only Stierlitz knew that thus the center informs him that to it the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is given.


On the eve of May 1 Stierlitz Bormana meets and invites that to drink beer at Stierlitz for gorodom.
-Yes I know this yours "to drink beer", the standartenfuehrer! Again we will be how v
novy year, to thump ten days without a break?!
- Well and what? - Shtirlits.
- And that is surprised! I should be on May 8 at work - Yours to be given!


At last, having regained self-control, Stierlitz fell asleep.


Despite long-term trainings, Stierlitz could not sleep in a row more than twenty minut.
nekotorye women took offense, for the rest was enough.


- I cannot get used to thought in any way, Stierlitz that you are the Russian spy! - tells Bopman.
- And that such here! Lenin, for example, - German!


Never before Stierlitz saw in cellars of Gestapo so much color.


Once Hitler met in corridors of the Reichstag of Stierlitz and fainted. And to Stierlitz though that - looked in a mirror, corrected a budenovka and further went.


Once M?ller thought up a remarkable way to learn, what all-taki
shtirlits nationalities. He decided to invite him on a visit and to observe how that will leave: if without having said goodbye, so the Englishman. If having drunk all alcohol, having killed ware and having seduced the hostess - the Russian if having found and having eaten all fat - the Ukrainian. But when Stierlitz did not leave at all, and began to live u
myullera, having gradually carried away to him the things, the gruppenfyurer at last guessed that Stierlitz - the Jew.


Once at Stierlitz the tank broke, and it caused santekhnika.
prishel M?ller, disguised as special clothes, and repaired a faulty tank. Stierlitz on a habit gave him three rublya.
-Ah, here you also got, Stierlitz, - M?ller told, - the Aryan would give marku.
-Sorry, a gruppenfyurer, - Stierlitz, - I aground therefore it was necessary to borrow money at the Russian radio operator answered.


Passing along a corridor, Stierlitz pushed a door of an office of Bormana. The door did not open. Stierlitz pushed more strongly. The door did not open. Then Stierlitz ran up and struck a door with a shoulder. The door not otkpyvalas.
"the Door is locked" - Stierlitz thought and was surprised the ingenuity.


- Smells as a cat, - Shtirlits.
-Why thought he smells my paw? - the cat thought.


Pitsunda. On a beach the people's artist of the USSR Vyacheslav Tikhonov walks. Near it girls in frank kupalnikakh.
"Whores" lie... - Tikhonov.
"Stierlitz" thought... - whores thought.


Pleyshner for the ninth time jumped out of a window. Poison - did not work.


Pleyshner ate up the tenth pack of "Belomor", and the ampoule with poison all in any way not popadalas.
"to be in time"... - Pleyshner thought, glancing at the struck dumb Gestapo men.


By phone: Adolfik? Daragoy, the fresh joke about Stierlitz heard?!


- Say, buddy Stierlitz that in the evenings after work you abuse vodka. You incidentally not Russian? Let's be more delicate than
-to each other, M?ller. I do not discuss your addiction to fat and dumplings.


Having raised the head from a pool, Stierlitz saw people in gray plashchakh.
"If Germans - I tell Stierlitz if - I tell ours Isaev", - thought on.
podoshel militia patrul.
"Again Tikhonov was fitted. Well, let lies".


M?ller approaches Stierlitz somehow and speaks:
-Listen, buddy, you would not like to be engaged in business?
-C pleasure, gruppenfyurer. And what you offer? Well give
-, for example, in the cellar of our Gestapo we will open night club!
- Night club? In the cellar of Gestapo?! No, people will not go!
- do not worry, Stierlitz. People are already our problem!.


Late Berlin evening. Stierlitz goes to a secret address of the Russian intelligence agent Cat through Sharite.
vdrug park over his head bumps on derevu.
"Woodpecker" are distributed... - Shtirlits.
"thought you are a woodpecker!" - M?ller took offense.


Late at night in Stierlitz's house phone call was distributed. Having lifted a tube, he heard a languid voice of the radio operator Cat: "Stierlitz, to you probably to one is not slept?". "Why! I can become an inveterate drunkard also one!", Stierlitz answered and poured the next glass of vodka...


- I congratulate, Stierlitz: at the time of delivery your pianist shouted vse-taki
-As you guessed, what she the Russian?
- She shouted "Hitler kaput!"


The colonel Maxim Maksimovich Isaev-Stierlitz came into a native Moscow toilet. To his look unitazny geysers, painty walls and smoking okurki.
-appeared And the fatherland smoke is sweet and pleasant to me, - Isayev.
-of the Pig emotionally exclaimed. The Russian pigs, - Stierlitz hissed.


The assistant reads to M?ller dosye:
-Otto von Stierlitz, character - Nordic...
- Billeting, billeting!. "Nordic"... "northern", means... It, what,
poluchayetsya, Stierlitz - the moron?


After war the lieutenant Klos meets the former chief - the colonel Stierlitz-Isaev - and asks on destiny of acquaintances and dpuzey:
-As there are affairs at Richard Sorge, the chief? - asks Kloss.
-Unfortunately, it was lost. It did not return from our center in Japan - there was the victim nauki.
-Radiation? Radiation? - Kloss.
-tries to guess Is not present, my friend. Usual dactyloscopy.

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