Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Jokes about Shtirlitsa

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Stierlitz went across Berlin. M?ller recognized in him the Soviet scout, but not on P P Sh which is carelessly thrown over a shoulder, and not on the parachute dragged behind, and on a brand of Bolshevichka factory which was forgotten to be unpicked from an inside pocket of a jacket on truly Russian disorder.


Stierlitz went across Berlin and saw prostitutes. "Nedosuk", - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz went across Berlin and Stierlitz - the fool" saw on a wall an inscription ". Only he one understood that to him the rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union is given.


Stierlitz went across Blyumen-shtrasse and heard a tree gnash about asphalt. He turned back and saw the pastor Shlaga who is coming back from Switzerland on skis.


Stierlitz went on the spring wood. On trees Gestapo tricks hung pochki.
-Again, - he thought.


Stierlitz went across evening Berlin with a red flag in hands. Towards to it SS-men on mototsikle.
-"Rockers" went, - Shtirlits.
-"Nonconformist" thought, - SS-men thought.


Stierlitz went on the country house and heard some rustle behind a door. Got the machine gun and discharged at a door of 3 holders. When the smoke resolved, Stierlitz saw the killed radio operator Cat on a floor. "I WILL REVENGE!" - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz went skipping. In "Pripryzhka" it was waited by maids and beer.


Stierlitz went waddlingly. He did not know that "Razvalka" is closed.


Stierlitz went on a meeting with the coherent. He recognized him at once. In Russia again there were interruptions in soap.


Stierlitz went on the city. For years intuition prompted Ottrenirovannoye to him, something gives out in it the Russian razvedchika.
vot just?. A red asterisk on a budenovka or the parachute which is dragged behind?


Stierlitz went on the city in search of an appearance, but only "Prima" and "Rodopi" came across.


Stierlitz went on the city and saw the bus with horns. "Trolleybus", - Stierlitz thought. "You are trolleybus!" - the bus horns took offense.


Stierlitz went on Kaltenbrunnershtrasse.
-Stop! - he heard a hail because of a back. Stierlitz thrust a hand in karman.
-It is the end, - Stierlitz, - but where the gun thought?.
Ho right there with horror obnaruzhil:
-Is the gun... but where end....


Stierlitz went to Elefant cafe on a meeting with the wife. It already for the fourth time was carried through a front line and three borders, but every time it appeared that it not his wife.


Stierlitz went on koridoru.
"And after all it is Stierlitz goes" - Myuller.
"Yes, it thought I go" - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz went along the Gestapo corridor. On a meeting to it there was Stierlitz surprised with Myuller:
-, and I also did not know that you color!
-M?ller, it is impossible to be such politically incorrect presently, I am slavyano-Aryan!


Stierlitz went along a corridor of imperial security service. Schellenberg met halfway. When he saw Stierlitz, at once fainted. "Happens! "Stierlitz thought, corrected an old budenovka and went further.


Stierlitz went along a corridor. M?ller tripped up it, Stierlitz grochnulsja.
-Edri your mother, - Shtirlits.
-thought do not dare to stick to me, Stierlitz! - M?ller was offended.


Stierlitz went along a corridor. Towards Myuller.
razminulis ran. Carried by, - Shtirlits.
-You so would think carried by, - M?ller thought.


Stierlitz went along a corridor and Hayl, Hitler encountered Bormana:
-! Partagenosse!
- Yes is full to you to yurodstvovat, Isaev.


Stierlitz went along a corridor. Came nearer on February 23, and there was to drink not on chto.
-Mister a gruppenfyurer! - it stopped M?ller. - Will not borrow to me 100
marok till May holidays?
myuller dal.
"is Well remembered the last phrase", - Stierlitz thought, caught up with M?ller and asked 50 pfennigs.


Stierlitz went along a corridor. By there passed Cat. Two Gestapo men bore behind it a suitcase. "In holiday", - Stierlitz guessed.


Stierlitz went along Reykhskantselyariya's corridor and saw SS-ovsky patrol. He put a hand in a pocket. "It is the end", - Stierlitz, - "and where the gun thought?"


Stierlitz went on a red carpet, on each side there were people and attentively considered him. "Inauguration", - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz went on Red Square and saw utyugov.
"Irons", - Shtirlits.
"Weak zakos under a bundes thought," - irons thought.


Stierlitz went on the wood and ran on a bough. Boughs ran up with squeal. Squeal ran the first.


Stierlitz went on the wood and ran on a bough. "There would be you home, girls, war after all" - with grief the colonel Isaev told.


Stierlitz went on the wood and saw blue spruces. When he came back, blue already saw.


Stierlitz went on the wood and saw people with palkami.
"Skiers" - Shtirlits.
"Stierlitz" thought - fishermen thought.


Stierlitz went on the wood and saw people in jerseys and on lyzhakh.
-FUFLYZhNIKI - thought Stierlitz.


Stierlitz went to M?ller. His brain tensely worked: "All. It is a failure". He put a hand in a pocket: "It is the end, and where the gun?"


Stierlitz went obliquely. Iskosok cowardly moved back to a wall.


Stierlitz went across night Berlin. Suddenly it is a mustache-
lyshal a crash. He would learn this crash from this there was Borman's moped.


Stierlitz went on the night wood on a meeting with professor Pleyshner. Having heard hissing of a snake in bushes, it got from a holster of a nominal TT, discharged all holder there. Having moved apart branches, he saw the blood-stained corpse of Pleyshnera.
"Poor creature" - Stierlitz thought - "he did not learn to whistle".


Stierlitz went to him for a collar across the field the caterpillar fell! "Gdeto exploded the tank!" - Stierlitz thought!


Stierlitz went with the radio operator Cat on park. Someone shot Cat at the head. "Shoot" - Stierlitz thought.


Stierlitz went with the radio operator Cat on park. The shot was distributed, Cat fell, bleeding profusely. Stierlitz pricked up the ears.


Stierlitz went on the Reichstag, trying to remain unnoticed. But something gave out it: whether a budenovka, whether the Order of Lenin, whether the parachute which is dragged behind the back.

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