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Jokes about Medvedev

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News on from 10.12.07
"... Vladimir Putin supported Medvedev's nomination in presidents of Russia... "
NU well, I congratulate Russians on last Russian presidential elections!


On November 18 in Slovenia the president Medvedev became the participant of an instructive seminar on a subject "Soccer not elections, result will not garble


- Well, Vladimir - serfdom?
- Anatolich Do not hurry - first police state.


- Well everything, Dimchik, I to you allowed to drive - enough!
- of Aaaa!!!! Uncle Vova, and mozna of Ise?
- of Years through 12 if you behave well! Start up a wheel, I speak, bud
khoroshim the president!


Well anything, could be worse!, in Argentina, the president the following president appointed the wife...


- Well what demand from Serdyukov - it is the former furniture maker, but not the technician!
A here that during parade the stool on which there was Medvedev collapsed, it will be punished!


Putin on a bottom of the sea dives and finds two amfory.
na to the coast there he gives one amphora to Medvedev, another right there otkuporivayet.
iz it the genie with voprosom:
-That takes off my master wishes?
- of the Third term!
- Will be sdelano.
medvedev with the words "oh, it is healthy" opens the amphora. And there iPhone3 lies.


- O... Preved, Medved! Year 2023. Putin and Medvedev with heavy boduna.
-wake up And you do not remember, who from us today the president, and who the prime minister?
-Yes what na a difference, well let I will be the prime minist


- What are the similarities between Claude Van Dam, and give th?
- Both play a key role in the well-otrezhessirovannyh productions.


Once on the most severe excite Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev lost $10000, iPhone-4 and trust to Luzhkov...


- Oh, Dima... As I was tired! All I row and I row, as the slave by a galley!
-Vova, you would have a rest a little, and? Give also to me a little pozagreb@t!


The favourite cat of Dorofey.
vskore ran away from the president Medvedev the cat was noticed in the American Embassy.


Party of bears, candidate for president Medvedev... For them that, there in power is smeared with honey, perhaps?


According to analysts, D. A. Medvedev's decision to leave a post prezidenta
rf directly is connected with plans of the Apple company to bring to the market a ruler v
2012 to year of new products - iPhone 5, iPad 3 and Apple TV. Time for work with documents, the meeting with leaders of other countries and a trip over the country does not remain at all...


According to the offer of United Russia Party, changes are made to textbooks about the nature. Instead of the false prozapadnichesky statement: "A lion - the king of beasts", at last the fair statement is restored: "A bear - the Tsar Prirody"!


- Whether V. V. Putin in March in the office will hang up Medvedev's portrait?
- Not, will lay a skin!


Under what slogan will pass elections on March 2? Correctly - "presidential elections are a referendum on Putin's plan!". In such sauce it is possible to hold elections some more years... It reminds here that: the drunk drunk sticks to sobesedniku:
-You respect me? No, well you after all tell, you respect or not? I Respect
-, I respect, only to lag behind …
- Ah, you respect?... Well, all the same receive!


Putin presented to Medvedev on birthday of cool Mercedes. Medvedev was delighted, opens a door, and there a wheel net.
- And a wheel where? Putin to it a finger grozit:
-I to you will drive


Medvedev approaches the blue sea, the black storm sees at the sea. He began to click a goldfish. The small fish came to it, asked: "That it is necessary for you, Medvedev?" Medvedev with bow answers it: "Smiluysya, monarchess small fish! I the prime minister after do not want to be 2012, I want to be again the president to direct to me the country big and that sam
putin ran for me errands". Nothing was told by a small fish, only usmekhnulas
"in a Putin way" kindly, a tail on water splashed and departured on the report to the prime minister. Long Medvedev waited for the answer, did not wait and to the Kremlin was turned back …


Putin approaches a mirror and sees, what in a mirror he not otrazhayetsya.
asks at zerkala:
-You why do not show me?
zerkalo otvechayet:
-Yes you understand, you the first person of the state, and the first person of the state at us Medvedev, I also do not know, whom from you pokazyvat.
... Putin in cold sweat wakes up, thinks, "On hu the %, health is more expensive, in Medvedev's resignation."


The day before yesterday D. Medvedev signed the decree on rewarding of our Olympians with 6 awards and 16 medals. Thereby, we caught up with Americans on total of the Olympic awards.


Medvedev's cannibals and Putina:
-caught Make laugh us to tears or we will fry!
-Ya head of state...
lyudoyedy released them at once.


Attempt at Yaponchik can lead to a war in criminal mire.
putin and Medvedev already go in bullet-proof vests.


It became gradually clear that Medvedev from eighth year heats a place for Putin in dvenadtsatom.
tak we will wish to Vladimir Vladimirovich not to burn an ass in the twelfth year.


It is clear why Putin chose Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedyev as the successor. Probably, he read on the first letters full names - "D.A.M" and understood:- the good successor will be!


After inauguration to Medvedev will fasten balls and he will depart!


After March elections for Medvedev it will be left personal okhrana.
tolko now she will care of that Dmitry Anatolyevich more personally did not come nearer to Vladimir Vladimirovich.


After presidential vyborov.
-Well, Dima, choose now that you want: a position of the prime minister or dva
bileta on tournament on badmintonu.
-Well, of course... I Know
-, I know your passion! Well: take away tickets...


After exposure of the Russian spies Steve Jobs asked forgiveness for Dmitry Anatolyevich and promised that in the following iPhone version this bug will be corrected.


After the modernization which is successfully carried out by Medvedev two troubles of Russia are called "management and infrastructure" now...


Latest news: "Dmitry Medvedev visited bakery combine. Employees priyatno
udivili it the rolls".


Having watched video in which Medvedev touchingly communicated to the speaking ballot box, it was thought that it and remains only in the country who told it "thanks"...


Medvedev's board is only Putin's game in "Tamagochi".


Ruling party of "bears", president Medvedev... Of course, we always knew that "the law at us - a taiga" but that here it is so frank!.


The successor (Dmitry Medvedev) risks to become the high priest if the president (Vladimir Putin) agrees to the status of the sacred.


The president Medvedev goes to a microphone to tell the first presidential speech. Pomoshchnik:
-One moment to you some threads …"
gromky Putin's whisper clung: "Not trozh! These are the necessary threads".


The president Medvedev issued the decree forbidding to name him Vladimir Vladimirovich.


The president Medvedev declared that will check personally and unexpectedly zhilye
podjezdy houses. Comes with the environment into the next. There elevators ne
rabotayut, around roll empty bottles, scraps, cellophane scraps, v
odnom to a corner a heap of shit, in other - drunk bomzh.
-What is it?! - the president is indignant. - What it for a disgrace, ya
vas I ask?! Why at an entrance the bulb on HUNDRED WATTS burns?!


The president Medvedev renamed militia into police. "At last!" - told the people, being going to guerrilla groups.

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