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Jokes about Caucasians

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The plane crashed over Sahara. From all survived only dva
passazhira - Russian (R) and the Georgian (). They Oklematsya and began to look round...
vdrug is seen the jug sealed lies. Grabbed, opened - the genie i
-Thanks, dear takes off that returned me freedom. I will help you. Only for gody
butcheniya I weakened and I will not be able to take out you from the desert, and I can give everyone tolko
po one thing - ask! At P reason grew dull and it speaks:
-I Want a gold bag! I Listen to
- And I obey! - the genie speaks and at P there is a gold bag. And
- And mine, a pazhalsta, to a karzyn fresh, juicy fruktov.
-I Listen and I obey! - the genie speaks and disappears, and at appears bolshaya
korzina ripe, juicy fruit. There is nothing to do - it is necessary from the desert samim
vybiratsya. Let's go. Went the whole day - baked - decided a halt to arrange. R rukhnul
bez forces, and got two oranges from a basket - one orange put pered
soboy, and the second began to guzzle - tastefully so! - juice flows... R did not sustain and speaks:
-would Treat apelsinchikom... Г: - E-e-e! This apelsin costs a gold bag! R:
-huya to itself! Yes same robbery! Г: - Wai, daragy, why so abydno you gavarit?
pachimu robbery? An abayda market - where dishevle you will find weight?


One Georgian on "rights" hands over. Voppos:
"Ti you go in mountains. On the right - the rock, a sleva - obpyv.
vpepedi - two woman: malady and old. Whom you will press? "
-Kanechno the old!
-is bad! The brake should be pressed! Nath to you is right, daragoy!


North Caucasus. The patient stomatologu:
- And at you, the doctor, at most any zuba.
-Well, you know our laws - blood za
krov, tooth for tooth.


The Georgian on a sofa sits and is played with the chlenom:
-Ha-a-aorshchy my, haroshchy! Ba-a-alshoy balshy! Ka-a-akoy haroshchiya... Pa-a-abarol.


The Georgian sits and eats lyagushku.
podkhodit drugoy:
-with Gogi, it that such?
-Where took?
-Itself priskakal.
- And che such green?
-So young still!


The girl sits at MAS, and nearby the Georgian for IBM. Suddenly the girl jumps up and speaks gruzinu:
-Tell MAC.
- Well mak.
- At me the MAS computer, and you are a blue maniac! La's La-la-la-la - la-la. Passed 5 more minutes. The girl speaks gruzinu:
- The Uncle, tell System 7.
-Well Systema sem.
- At me system seven, and you are a gay absolutely! La's La-la-la-la - la-la. Also the Georgian then devochke:
-Devachka told, tell Aybiem savmestymy komputer.
-Well IBM-compatible kompyyuter.
-In my mouth h@y ebat you. La's La-la-la-la - la-la.


Two Georgians, kaldypyat:
-Vano, you shchto-nybud in zhenshchyna ponimaeshch sit?
-????!?! Kaneshna!:
-of Esla you lyubysh costing a zhenshchyna, - znachyt it "the standing zhenshchyna".
-of Esla you to a zhenshchyn lyubysh lying, - znachyt it "a palyazhytelny zhenshchyna".
-of Esla you to a zhenshchyn lyubysh "cancer", - znachyt it "rakavaya a zhenshchyna".
-So sho? If Bidzhe loves to a mine on a bag with raisin?...
Ya sho, - "izyumitelny a mushchshchina"?!...


Two Georgians, kaldypyat:
-Vano sit? Sho Gogi's
-? You to exchange uvazhyat
-of Kaneshno!?.
-Ya tibe too. So vikhodyt we with you Uvazhyaemy people!...


The Georgian, the Jew and the Ukrainian are imprisoned. The parcel - salo.
dumayet comes to the Georgian: I will give to the Jew, and then him for it trakhnu.
- The Jew, you want fat?
evrey thinks: taaak, I will eat fat, and it me then...
-Not, is not necessary to me yours sala.
gruzin hokhlu:
- The Ukrainian, fat will be?
khokhol thinks: I will eat fat, and it me then for it.... However, syemshi
sala force in hands yes will add, perhaps otobyyus.
-is fine, give salo.
syel it and waits when the Georgian starts climbing. Approaches gruzin:
-Well, ate fat?
- And force in hands added?
-Well then hold the Jew!


Two Georgians in a snack bar sit. One calls ofitsianta:
-Three glasses bring, two glasses unesi.
tot bring three, from them two carries away. The second asks:
-Slyushay, why asked three, gave two? Only one was necessary to us?
-E, I simply ne know how will be "one glass, one glass, raz


The Lezgian, the American sit and drink tea, russkaya.
-I told the husband that after a wedding I will not do anything on economy. So I did not see its one day,
vtoroy did not see day for the third day came and brought to me domorabotnitsu.
-I too told the that after a wedding I will do nothing. So I did not see its one day, the second day not of
videla for the third day came with the robot which everything does on hozyaystvu.
ya to the MEGA too told that after a wedding I will do nothing. So I did not see its one day, the second day of
NE saw For the third day slightly began to see the right eye.


Two fishermen sit - fish (R) the Georgian () Approaches. Г: I here such saw a rib,
strashny such. Р: Pike probably. Г: Nat ne felt. Zeleny such all. Р: Dyk
okun probably. Г: Nat ne sideways. Directly went. Р: So sazan probably. Г: Nichevo
ne skzat, only croaked two times and became ooze.


The Georgian and the Ukrainian sit at a table in the dining room.
U.: - Hlopche, give me sil, be caress!
G.: (transfers) - Ne sil, and Saul, bilat nerussk!


Slightly drunk gpyzin:
-Ponimaesh and: car I kupil, "Volga". I am right kypil.
a here is how to buy that goes by it umet???


The Georgian and the Russian did military service. After the termination of service the Georgian priglasil
russkogo to itself on a visit. Ivan gathered and went. The Georgian friend met ego
gostepriimno on the Caucasian custom. On a table there was a cognac, the best wines and zakuski.
posle a lunch the Georgian led the friend on a cemetery to tell about svoyey
rodoslovnoy and to show graves of the predkov.
-Here my father. He lived 15 years. And here my elder brother - he lived 10 years. Brat
moyego father Givi of veins of 5 years... Listen to
-, katso! Something at you with arithmetics not as it should be. Yours could not otets
prozhit 15 years and grow up such handsome guy, as you...
-U us in Georgia if speak: "lived", mean that this person imel
krasivuyu the car, the house, giving, is a lot of money, the mistress... There arrived Ivan home and s
poroga declared mather:
-If I die, on a monument, mummy, surely write that I rodilsya


- Listen, derevo you see? I want to be photographed-
speaks the Caucasian fotografu.
-Please. And how you wanted - on a tree, under it or near?
-For the derevy!
-A I will send a card to mother, she will look and skazhet:
"at Vakh-Vak


- Slyushay, Givi! I yesterday font sebe bely-beliya boots, shtana bely-beliya,
bely-bely of a naska, bely-bely jacket, bely-bely rubashka, bely-beliy
galstuk, and even bely-bely nasavy scarf!. So buy
-still balshoy-balshy zeleny-zeleniye a cap - y


- Slyushay, Givi, the son was born how called know?
- The First part of a name - a note, and the second - part of a body!
-Nat, I cannot guess!
-E-e, Xi Ugly face!


- Slyushchay Hachik, you such a birdie know the small well that that so beautifully sings? Yes I know-know
-, the Nightingale nazyvtsya!
-Vakh-Vakh, precisely! There are I means by the field, I look this nightingale, to a tf!, my millet eats. To it


The Georgian watches the time program (when it was)...
-B of Georgia are raised the prices of products...
- Ate and is I will be...
-B of Georgia are raised the prices of fuel...
-Went and I will go...
-is solar Everywhere - in Georgia rains...
-Here....!! That want - that and do!!


The soldier suits to komandiru:
-to me in holiday it is necessary - the wife Rodit has to...
komandir releases ego; in a week of soldiers vozvrashchayetsya.
-Well, Magomedov who poditsya - the son or the daughter? We learn
-In nine months


The Uzbek soldier on postu.
-Stand who goes? Gavara flogged...
-of Prakhada …


Performance of the Georgian theater about 1917
dzerzhinsky: "Vladymyr Ylych, Auroras went off with a bang! "
lenin: "VAKH VAKH VAKH revolution!"


The teacher at a mathematics lesson at Gogi:
-Gogi asks, and the sum of squares of a leg is equal to a chem?
-to a hypotenuse Square!
-A chem dokazhish? Mother I swear to


Two Armenians on one bed, one another asks:
-Vano sleep, you sleep?
-A that it at exchange in a bottom then?
-A! Sorry, now vinu.
-I to you to wine! Sleep give!


Two sleep in one bed gruzina:
-Gogi, ti spysh?
-A that yours x. y does in washing zho. e?
-of Nychego, nychy, now vitashchu.
-I tebe to a vitashch!!!! Give Spa!!!


Two quarrel gruzina:
-Givi, you are a donkey...
-Ya donkey?
-Yes, Givi, you are a donkey...
-Ya donkey?
-Is not present, Givi, you such nasty... You even not a donkey...
-That?! I am not a donkey?


Two quarrel gruzina:
-You are a gay!
-It you are a gay!
-Ya you е$#л!
-A I you 100 times е$#л!
-A you eernyshko such small - millet is called know?!
-Well 8-O!
-Ya you two meshk е$#л!!!
-Ya tebya - chetyre a meshka е$#л!
-Yes I am your donkey е$#л! THAT DID YOU TELL
- And NU PAVTARY??! 8-E ~ ~ ~


Two quarrel uzbeka:
-Mamed, you such nasty...
-Well and what?
-Yes I... I ebat your wife...
-Well and what?
-Yes I... I ebat your mother...
-Well and what?
-Yes I... I ebat your daughter...
-Well and what?
-Yes I... I ebat your father...
-Well and what?
-Yes I... I in yours Stein of a donkey ebat... - That - about! Mamed in anger vykhvatyvayet
-gray or white?!
-of Bie-white! Mamed it is calmed hides kinzhal:
-It not terribly... White is a brother, and gray - mine!


There is an Armenian on the road, the car broken about a tree nearby. Ostanavlivayetsya
drugoy the Armenian, gets out of the car, and asks:
-That happened?
-of Vi - vay-vay, I any more not the Armenian! Broke the car!
-Well, you will think, broke the car, new kupish.
-Wai - vay-vay, I any more not the Armenian! You see in the car the girl!
-Well, be not upset, new naydesh.
-Wai - vay-vay, I any more not the Armenian! You see that at it in a mouth!


There is a naked Georgian in front of the mirror and looks at himself:
tritsepsy, bicepses. Then it was developed by a back, looks:
zhopa. It was developed back and speaks:
-to Lie, daragy and. These are the.


The Black stands on a roadside, votes. "Gelding" stops, i
litso to the Caucasian nationality speaks: "Sadys, mobster,
podvezu". Black scaredly: "I with the black do not go!"


There is a turn in buffet. Two intellectuals, behind them kavkazets.
-One coffee!
-I to me one coffee!
-Odyn kofe!.
-Well here, though one competent, and after all not Russian...
-... And odyn roll!


There are boys, sunflower seeds havat,
podkhodit Maga:
-boys, now Rasoul pridet:
s whom from us it pervym
pozdorovayetsya, that is the sucker!
-Boys, all Salam!)


The passionate southerner brings the girl to the room. Razdevayet.
-Gospada, what zhe you thin! You generally can go on takikh
Ta otvechayet:
-I Can...
- Then go, go from here.


- The Defendant Gogi why you raped 30-year-old zhenshchinu
-It me was pleasant!
- The Defendant Gogi why you raped 16-year-old devushku
-It me was pleasant!
- The Defendant Gogi why all of you time laugh? Vee me too it are pleasant to


Judge the Georgian for murder of the neighbor. The judge speaks: well tell,
podsudimy as it proizoshlo.
gruzin speaks: Prikhazhyu I, znachyt, home. I look, the door is open. I see, my neighbor embraces to May the wife. I catch
ZA a dagger, but then I remember: I after all too embraced his wife! I look further: my neighbor undresses to May the wife! I am
khvatayus for a dagger, but then I remember: I after all too undressed his wife! I look further. My neighbor my wife brings down
NA a bed!! I grab a dagger, then I remember
NO: I after all too brought down his wife on a bed...
sudya (was tired): well, the defendant, for what you killed the neighbor?
gruzin (indignantly): I the member about his curtain did not wipe!!!


Judge the Georgian for murder. Judge: - Accused, explain why on tele
poterpevshego SEVEN knife wounds? UAH: - I stand at an entrance, to a chishchshch a knife apelsin, its
kushayu, a crust I throw on a floor. Here the victim entered an entrance, paskalznutsya na
apelsinovy a crust and ran on my knife! And so SEM of times...


- Segodnya, det, we will pass the words "MELANCHOLY". Ho ne that melancholy, kotoryy
khlep cut, and ne that melancholy which the house build, and that melancholy, which grust. I
NE that grust which in a lesa grows, and ne what grapes, and that grust,

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