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Jokes about elections

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In the morning on December 5 all country asked each other: "Who voted for the party which won with a huge separation?"


Falsification took place normalno.
golosovany during violations is not noticed.


French Courchevel ski resort. Knock at a door. Prokhorov:
-Who there?
-We did not call the police. We called girls, potrakhatsya.
-We were called by yours sosedi.
-Well to them and go, let them bang you.


- Holmes how you guessed, what party will win elections in Russia?
- Again scoff, Watson.


Good joke and the end correct - vote or not, and everything is solved.


It is good that elections secret - Medvedev thought, and voted for the CPRF, partly because of unclear offense, and, above all because of inexplicably woken up conscience.


- I want to track history of the family, but I do not know, kak.
-Try to take part in elections.


Chronicle of incidents. Yesterday at the fire the head of the CEC Vladimir Churov poluchil
146 a % burn of a body.


The Central Electoral Commission declared that it will not allow the population to rig results elections.


The Central Electoral Commission ordered to gas stations to clean urgently these devil's columns with petrol prices as propaganda in the election day against the candidate is forbidden!


The Russian Central Election Commission sharply condemned system of counting of votes on elections in Ukraine. It what the hell! Elections already tomorrow, and the winner is still unknown!


The Central Electoral Commission reports that at presidential elections of 2012 for simplification of counting of votes will be established two urny.
odna - for Vovan, another - the exterminator of papers.


The CEC left, clowns remained...


- Than you explain the failure on the last elections?
-Ya fell a victim...
- Victim of that?!
- of Honest calculation, their mother!!!


Chechnya. On December 2, 2007 goda.
yavka on elections of 99%.
okazalos that all voted at the exit from a site razreshali
kupit three horns. to the Galosh.


Heels itch - vote serdtsem.
progolosoval heart - scratch pumpkin!


What the general between Vladimir Churov and the ordinary school student? - And that,
I another solve the problem set by it, being verified with the correct answer.


That the general between elections and game in naperstok:
-organizers look as decent LYUDI;
-organizers promise that everything will be chestno;
-organizers promise easy vyigrysh;
-rules very much prost;y
-participation borrows a little vremeni;
-for participation call nenavyazchivo;
-participation easily and priyatno;
-not participating watch at participants as on idiotov;
-participation absolutely voluntary, but the right for participation is necessary podtverdit;
- The equipment is very simply and surely checked on pustotu;
-everything goes vtemnuyu;
-appears pobeditel;
- At the end the state stands apart and pretends that has nothing in common with organizers;
-we do not know those who really costs for organizers;
-as play - all the same as a result proigryvayesh;
-to grab hand the dishonest organizer dangerously for zdorovya;
- At the end everything understand that them deceived, but do not know KAK;
-having lost once, next time we go to play again.


What is the election campaign of Yushchenko?
ETO the most expensive advertizing campaign of "Zaviraks"!


Churov calls Putinu:
-Vladimir Vladimirovich, I congratulate! You won the first round, with big overweight! The CEC already approved results and made the official statement before journalists!
- Idiot! It was necessary to forge only results, but not date! To elections even the whole month!!!


Churov declared the second round. Putin did not gather a half from 146%.


Churov Putinu:
-For you two news: good and plokhaya.
-Begin with horoshey.
-you won!
-A bad?
- nobody voted For you!


Sew somehow together in Krasnokamensk mittens Putin and Khodorkovsky...
- Yes you that, Vova, cry that? Late to drink Borjomi... I spoke to you - take me in successors... Did not obey!


These elections - as New Year. Everyone knew that the miracle will not be, but in soul all hope …


It is good that at Vladimir Vladimirovicha of the daughter. And there would be a son, would already study monarchy bases at school, substantiated, so to speak...


Yulia Tymoshenko promised in case of a victory on elections still up to the end etogo
goda to return deposits of Sberbank of the USSR, to cancel conscription service in army i
vse taxes! And what you are ready to promise to come to the power???


Yulia Tymoshenko called supporters of the Ukrainian opposition blokirovat
pravitelstvennye buildings, the railroads, the airports and highways
A in peak to Yanukovych should break fences, to beat windows, to overturn urny
s garbage, to perdet in crowd, to shit in gates and to ssat in podjezdakh.
togda the democracy precisely will win.


Yushchenko was really poisoned and quickly died. But why was ego
khoronit on the Cemetery of Pets?


- I after all 10 years the Kazakh language uchila.
-About! And as will be on Kazakh: "I demand free, fair elections and resignation of the president Nazarbayev!"?
- Well, approximately: "Maine namysta erikti to a sayla to the wife of Prezidenttin Naz


- I very much like to joke. Here so we will gather with colleagues at one table and we joke, we joke … where you work with
- the Deputy in the Duma …


- I want to track history of the family, but I do not know how for it vzyatsya.
-Try to propose the candidature on elections.


I generated you, I also will replace you - Putin's elections in presidents will be held under such motto in 2012.


Yavlinsky, waking up in the morning, razdrazhenno:
-Well, here! Again I have to come back to this cruel, unfair world where I did not become a president!


- Hallo! Smolny! Smolny! Hallo! Hallo! This is Lenin? Felix Edmundovich on provode.
-Why you climbed there?


Hallo! Smolny! Smolny! Hallo! Hallo! This is Lenin? Feliks
edmundovich on provode.
- And why you climbed there?


The Bakovsky plant of rubber products producing condoms,
vypustil to anniversary inflatable byustik of Lenin - "Lenin in you", and Krupskaya -
"Put on".


The low little man in a cap comes into wine shop and, slightly burring, three hundred grams address to prodavshchitse:
-to me port, please...
- We in flood not prodayem.
- And me not in Flood, and in Shushenskoye.


In 1920 the worker received "award" for good work - Lenin and Trotsky's
portrety. Comes to a naked empty room with tyufyakom
na to a floor and one nail in a wall and reflects: "To hang up Lenin, and Trotskogo
postavit to a wall, or it is better to hang up Trotsky, and to a wall - Lenina?"


- In idea of communism initially there was a mistake!
- Of course! Remember that song: "Our engine flies forward, in a commune a stop"?
-A mistake what?
- As what? Engines do not fly!

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