Jokes about mother in law and son

Read funny Jokes about mother in law

Jokes about mother in law

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In apteke:
- The Young man, potassium cyanide is given only according to the recipe, one photo of your mother-in-law has enough!


In apteke:
-Understand at last that I sold you strychnine, the recipe, but not the photo of your mother-in-law is necessary!


In apteke:
-Condoms are?
- Is. How many to you?
-A Masha works today? Thanks
-. I changed the mind.


In studio of Original Design the client does zakaz:
-I Ask to make to me a toilet roll with a portrait in this photo. From two parties and on all length. Guarantee quality?
- do not worry! The portrait of your mother-in-law will be executed with the highest kachestvom.
- And how you guessed, what it is my mother-in-law?
-A it ordered laying with the image of the son-in-law in us yesterday. We recognized you according to the photo attached to its order.


On a visit there arrived the mother-in-law, shortly, without changing a residence, it appeared at her on a visit.


In the courtroom judge the boxer for beating of the woman. The boxer - the Master of Sports, sharp,
dergany the man. Sudya:
-Well here tell, the defendant, for what you beat the woman?
- What woman, same my mother-in-law!
-A unless mother-in-law not the woman? - the woman asks sudya.
-But, - becomes thoughtful bokser.
-Well, tell court, for what you her izbili.
-Well, it, I come, so home, there is on, it, on kitchen, sit I eat. The mother-in-law -
ZhU-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu, and I sit I eat. The mother-in-law again - zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu - and here ona


In the apartment there lives the family: the husband, the wife, kids and the wife's mother - the beloved mother-in-law. Somehow there is a husband at night to kitchen that to drink waters, turns on the light, sees: the mother-in-law sits on a plate, lifted up a hem and
ZYAT in shoke:
-Mother urinates in a pan with a borsch … … that you do? We will eat it!
TESHCHA jumps off, recovers and speaks:
-Angry you! I will leave you.


In the apartment phone call is distributed. The owner lifts a tube and slyshit:
-your mother-in-law fell to the pool with crocodiles!
- Your crocodiles, you them also rescue!


In Committee for State Security there is a Communist Party meeting. Sekretar
partkoma makes the speech that now publicity, and calls kolle
gaktivno and more critically to submit for discussion sharp questions.
vdokhnovlenny the speech from a place rises young leytenant:
-Companions! Became painful already, I cannot be silent! Till what time the wife and teshcha
generala will use an official car for trips on shops?!
Ha the next day of the lieutenant summons general:
-to me very much your performance at meeting was pleasant yesterday. I see,
chto you are an uncompromising person, honest nature. You deserved povysheniye
po to service. We decided to send you to Uruguay, will be ours rezidentom.
-But at me the young wife here, eventually, I do not know tamoshnego
-By the way, about language, companion lieutenant... On a legend you budete
glukhonemym therefore we to you will cut out language still here.


The enraged father rushes into the room of the son, grabs the boy breasts and begins tryasti.
-I you asked not to climb to my computer...!
B the room comes it tyoshcha.
-Leave the boy alone! - she barks at the son-in-law, is I tore out her i
vybrosila. Only mice in the house were not enough for me!


In lesu:
-Something mushrooms absolutely are not present! Even toadstools!!
- On a horse-radish to you toadstools?!
- Yes wanted to treat the mother-in-law!


Came to shop of electrogoods young chelovek:
-That you would like to buy from us? - asks prodavets.
-to me it is necessary to buy a gift for the mother-in-law!
- Here please the electric iron, here the electric stove, here elektricheskaya
-Tell, and you on sale have no electric chair?


In shop of electrogoods the man asks at prodavtsa:
-I look for a gift for the mother-in-law, what you can offer me?
-U us is electric irons, electric kettles, elektricheskiye
samovary, electric fans and etc.
- It everything not that... And whether there is no electric chair at you?


Bring into the general prison cell novichka.
ego sprashivayut:
-What term of a distance?
-Eight let.
-For what?
- For first-aid treatment cheloveku.
-As it so?
- Yes sat we at a table, had supper, and at the mother-in-law blood a nose went. That to stop bleeding, I to it imposed a plait on a neck.


In the Odessa city court there is a divorce proceedings. Husband: - My wife not ustraivayet
menya as woman. Mother-in-law: - You will think, the Prince of Denmark! Arranges all Odessa, and ego
-is not present!


The weapon shop is run in by the furious man, eyes from orbits, foam from a mouth, and shouts prodavtsu:
- The Gun to me, quickly!
- Gun? Well. And for what to you?
- to shoot the mother-in-law, it got me already! Forgive to
-but if you want to shoot your mother-in-law, I would advise you povremenit.
-It still what for?
- You need to calm down because in such state you for certain will miss.


- Why are you lately so much you drink?
- This I nasledstvennoe.
- In what sense?
- my mother-in-law died and left a legacy of five buckets of vodka.


Recently Semyon began to treat the mother-in-law much better: often came with flowers, painted an ogradka.


The son-in-law lies in the village on a zavalinka. Tam approaches teshcha:
- The gate broke, it is necessary to repair...
-It mine?! Me е$ет?!
ponyatno. The mother-in-law left. Through some time:
- There the fence was lop-sided, it is necessary to correct...
-It mine?! Me е$ет?!
ponyatno. Went to the notary, issued darstvennuyu.
- The Sonny, here in a window glass burst, it is necessary to replace...
-It mine?!. Your-your
-It yours?! You е$ет?!


In a family the mother-in-law dies. In the room windows are tightly curtained off, the twilight and tishina.
sobralis relatives reigns, the headboard has a son-in-law. At some point solnechnyy
zaychik gets through a crack in a curtain and falls on the person of the dying. Zhenshchina
otkryvayet eyes, sighs and speaks:
-My God, it is good as!
- Mummy, do not distract, - the son-in-law speaks.


In such weather only to send the mother-in-law behind beer!


In that my family broke up, both are guilty, and I consider that the fault is distributed equally: 50% - the wife, 50% - the mother-in-law.


In tsirke:
- The Father, and why is the uncle puts the head in a mouth to a lion? Here when you will live
- together with the mother-in-law then not there still you will thrust it!


- Vas! Our cat in slippers imposed!
- That?!!! Ah you, vile cattle!!! Now I will kill!
- Yes not in yours! In the mother's!
-A, well give it smetanka...


- Vas and that it is your mother-in-law of a bull terrier without muzzle walks? You try something to pick up
-A on its mug!


To attention of men! The association "Mikropribor" mastered release of the Lyubimaya
teshcha vacuum cleaners. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with the powerful turbo-propeller engine, folding wings i
myagkim a seat.


Drove the mother-in-law in a serpentarium. She with amazement examined snakes, ate ice cream, something muttered there. Generally, diligently pretended that does not understand about what these creatures hiss there.


The excited man runs in in apteku:
-my mother-in-law wants to poison with rat poison! Unfortunately, we have no
-from it protivoyadiya.
- At what antidote here? I need rat poison!


The husband from hospital where visited the tyazhelobolny mother-in-law comes back. Awfully angry he speaks zhene:
-your mother is healthy as the horse, will already be discharged from hospital soon and will lodge at nas.
-I do not understand, - the wife speaks, - yesterday still the doctor said to me that mother umirayet.
-I do not know that he told you, but to me he advised to prepare for the worst.


Question: What the general between the mother-in-law and beer?
otvet: Both that, and another is good, when cold, opened and on a table.


Question: What is the mixed feeling?
otvet: It when the mother-in-law in your car falls in an abyss.


Here listen the mother-in-law is the mother-in-law truly, and the son-in-law then who, the great martyr?


- Earlier as was: the prince killed a dragon and married the princess! A
- And now almost also. Dragons are not killed, however, they stanovyatsya
teshchami... Yes, you are right, it was much better earlier!


All misunderstanding between the mother-in-law and the son-in-law arise because of nevnimaniya.
poprobuyte just once attentively to look at the mother-in-law through a sight.


After all justice exists. To the neighbor who half a year did repair and daily awoke us very early with a puncher roar, upon termination of repair the mother-in-law moved. On the PERMANENT RESIDENCE!


Met the mother-in-law with open damnations.


Two deputies met. One asks:
-As is worked in the Duma?
- As in the wood! That the chief - an oak that the subordinate - a stub that ni
bumaga - a linden!
-A as you live?
- As in the fairy tale! Houses the mother-in-law - the Baba-yaga, the wife - the witch, the neigbour - Vasilisa
prekrasnaya, and her husband - Ivan the Fool, by the way it too the deputy!!!


Friends met, razgovorilis:
-Speak, you have the commercial business now. Which? I am engaged in
-Ya in trade in subjects female tualeta.
-Well and how? Successfully?
- Quite. The wife still had some things. And the mother-in-law stays at home the already almost naked.


Two afgantsev:
-meet Listen, something Vovana is not visible long ago?
-A it heroically was lost!
- How?
- With a linking of grenades rushed under the mother-in-law.

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